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Subject: Isn't this fun.

K9 Kriegan
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Date Posted: 22:53:31 08/09/04 Mon
In reply to: Raven 's message, "queen of the streets" on 19:49:06 08/09/04 Mon

The sable laughed uneasily at the Dobermann's previous comments. Star pupil. Yeah. But the K9's half-hearted laughs immediately ceased when the mastiff rudely bumped his shoulder. As in reflex, the German Shepherd Dog slid easily to the side. He normally would have growled. No dog appreciated being bumped aside. Actually, Kriegan had almost forgotten that the two were still back there. They had been relatively quiet since the appearance of Raven.

His dark eyes watched the female act a part that almost made the dark sable laugh again, but he willed himself to remain silent. This could be his ticket out.. The situation had been diffused. He was of no use here. Perhaps he could just slip away. Sure, the bone-brained duo would go without a meal.. but that wasn't exactly Kriegan's problem, now was it?

The male edged backwards, away from the Mastiff, the Elkhound, and the street-savvy Dobermann. He made it appear natural, as if he was merely moving in order to make room for all of them. Kriegan began to eye a group of trash cans. They could easily cover his escape, but they were a bit of a dash away. His pink tongue ran nervously over his dark lips. Suddenly, he wheeled about and darted towards the trashcan row. The dog fit easily between the cans and the building wall. He did not stop running, but the can row didn't go on forever. He'd have to either reveal himself or try to find an entrance into the abandoned building. With his skill, the GSD could probably lose anybody who tried to chase him in there.

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|Not a Word|Alison08:58:06 08/10/04 Tue

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