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Subject: queen of the streets

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Date Posted: 19:49:06 08/09/04 Mon
In reply to: Death Toll and Bloody Sunset 's message, ":: Duo ::" on 18:42:56 08/09/04 Mon

pools turning to the two as they approach the vixen yawns slightly listening to them without moving. her muzzle tilting to the air as she sniffs it. no I don't believe I smell your scent about. crania tilting as she look the thugs over, careing little about their sizes. her regal features calm and collected as she looks back to the dog cop. still watching them if they knew it or not ready to fight if need be. her focus moving back to them as they talked of her joining. having been a loner always she smirks at them moving back to her feet. walking over sausely lifting her stubed tail at them grining wickedly. please, and why would i join your gang when i own these streets?" her attitude changing like lightening as she rubs up against the larger of the two with a sexy look but perhaps I would consider you worth enought to be in my gang. you being such big brave boys. slipping past him before he could react to stand back were she had been sitting her elegant form perfectly posed. she loved messing with people minds and would gladly have them about it they ran to the beat of her music. Her territory spanning the whole city and her knowledge of were food was invaluable.

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Isn't this fun.K9 Kriegan22:53:31 08/09/04 Mon

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