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Date Posted: 14:26:46 02/22/04 Sun
Author: John Thomas Magnus
Subject: Yet another update of my characters' bios (Dropzone added.)
In reply to: J.T. 's message, "Chapter 65: "Highest Calling"" on 21:33:44 02/20/04 Fri

Name: Major John Thomas Magnus
AKA: J.T. Magnus, Wesley Denny, Buzz, "Brother", Magnus, Turbo, Turbo Magnus, Major, Insanos, Johnnie (Only to Jessica/Kella)
Age: Seventeen
Born: November 11, 1986
Height: six feet.
Weight: Two fifty
Race: Valron (Formerly referred to as Zeojin), prefers to remain in human form/Half-god
Hair color: Dark brown, almost black. Modified 'Professional' cut
Eye color: Grey-Green.
Sexual orientation: Straight - *raised eyebrow*
Marital status: Engaged.
Parents: Does it matter?
Brother: Kay Magnus
Fiancee: Jessica Parker.
Common saying: "I must've REALLY done something to piss the Almighty off this time..."
Abilities: Swordsman. Sharpshooter. When on the rare occasion that he's quiet, can fade out and will himself not to be seen. Uses ki attacks in the form of fire. Shares a bond with the element of Spirit. Uses magic spells collected from anime and video games. Has three forms: Human, Valron, and Dragon. Can fly in Valron and Dragon and breath fire and ice in dragon. Can access the Dragonfire energies to power himself up and/or change his equipment. Wields the sword of the Valrons, enhanced by Dragonfire, the Buster Sword. Usually carries two grenades, a Desert Eagle, and a heavily modified Baretta.
Personality: Smart-assed, Confidant, and Determined by himself. Add that to flirtatious and romantic around Jessica and protective of those he cares about and you've got J.T.
Future plans: Kill Hades, Marry Jessica, Become a published writer, possibly join the military.
Languages spoken: Fluent; English, Bad English, Scot English, Erie English, Zeonic, Pig-Latin. Partly; French, Chinese, Japanese, German, Al Bhed, Taljinian, Cybertronian, Hawai'ian.
Religious denomination: None.
Associated colors: Black, Grey, Silver, Gold
Theme song: "American Soldier" by Toby Keith

Name: Lieutenant Thomas Kael Magnus
AKA: Kay Magnus, "Brother", Blaze, Blaze Convoy
Age: Seventeen
Born: November 11, 1986 in an alternate reality.
Height: six feet.
Weight: Two fifty
Race: Valron, prefers human form/Half-god.
Hair color: Dyed sandy brown, formerly dark brown. Short and unkept.
Eye color: Grey-Green.
Sexual orientation: Straight - virgin
Marital status: Single
Parents: Colonel Wesley "Buzzard" Magnus and Dr. Sydney Biggle-Jones in an alternate reality.
Brother: J.T. MagnusCommon saying: (Said TO him) "'Shut up, Rattrap.'"
Abilities: Swordsman. Sharpshooter. Brawler. Attuned to the element of fire. Like J.T. has three forms. Only difference is instead of fire and ice, breaths Lightning and Wind in dragon form. Skilled in use of mace and flail. Able to access Dragonfire energies. Has a heavy Katana and shotgun.
Personality: Speaks his mind no matter what. Hides caring about those close to him behind a facade of pervertedness, sadism, and immaturity
Future plans: Kill Hades, buy Hasbro, buy Squaresoft.
Languages spoken: Fluent; English, Bad English, Scot English, Erie English, Zeonic, Pig-Latin. Partly; French, Chinese, Japanese, German, Al Bhed, Taljinian, Cybertronian
Religious denomination: Sunday Mornings Sleeping In.
Associated colors: Black, Grey, Red
Theme song: "Only the Good Die Young", Billy Joel

Name: Sgt. Mjr. Jessica Kella Parker
AKA: Jessica, Parker, "Athena", Sergeant Major, Sergeant, Sar-Major, "Pageboy" (only by J.T.), Kella (Only by J.T./Johnnie), "Sis" or "Sister" (Only by Kay), Morrigan
Age: Sixteen
Born: March 4, 1987 in an alternate reality
Height: 5-6.
Weight: 180
Race: Human/Goddess
Hair color: red, Pageboy cut.
Eye color: Crystal Blue.
Sexual orientation: Straight - *raised eyebrow*
Marital status: Engaged
Parents: Carol (nee Weidler, aka Zarana) and Blaine Parker
Half-Brother: Sgt. Mark Parker, codename "Lockdown."
Fiancee: J.T. Magnus
Common saying: "You know you like it." (to J.T.)
Abilities: Qualified sharpshooter with Desert Eagle hand cannons and Barettas. Capable of instantaniously changing her voice and appearance to match anyone she's met or to be a new person. Able to access Dragonfire energies. Wears kevlar lined jean vest, carries two heavily modified Barettas.
Personality: Self-assured and, albeit only towards J.T., seductive. Living proof that one can be military and still be feminine, as attested to by the fact that only around her is J.T. toungetied.
Future plans: Marry J.T., become a model, join the military if J.T. does.
Languages spoken: English, Spanish, Hawai'ian, Japanese, Russian.
Religious denomination: None
Associated colors: bright Red, dark Green, Purple.
Theme song: "She Only Gets That Way With Me" by Toby Keith.

Name: Agent/1st. Lt. Conrad Falcone
AKA: Conrad, Rad, "Dropzone," Agent, Lieutenant.
Age: Twenty-Five
Born: July 7, 1979
Height: 5-6.
Weight: 225
Race: Human
Hair color: Black, 'high and tight'
Eye color: Brown
Sexual orientation: Straight
Marital status: Single
Parents: Jin (nee Arishikage) and Vincent Falcone
Common saying: "Interesting unit..."
Abilities: Former member of both the U.S. Army Airborne and Rangers and the Secret Service. Has been seen adapting to weird situtiations quite easily. If asked, answers "Ninjas on one side, Soldiers on the other" what that means, no one yet knows.
Future plans: Unknown.
Languages spoken: English, Japanese.
Religious denomination: Unknown
Associated colors: Grey, Army Green, "Spook" Black.
Theme song: "Some Gave All" by Billy Ray Cyrus

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