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Date Posted: - Thursday - 02/25/16 - 11:01pm
Author: Randall, M31, MURRE
Subject: MURRE has Sold

My wife, Joanna, and I have just sold our lovely M31 ketch, MURRE.

We bought her in 2001 and fell in love. Granted, we fell in love before we quite knew how much work she'd be, but all those projects taught me a tremendous amount about boats, boat care, and what a capable cruiser like her is
made of.

The pattern was to sail the summers here in San Francisco Bay and work on her over the winters, and by that method, over time, we replaced most everything on the boat except the engine and the masts. Deck, cabin sides, aft cabin bulkhead, cockpit, rigging, sprit and spreaders, all mast hardware, chainplates, a sail or two, and much more ... all new.

Each new winter's project came with an intractable list of problems to solve, and ***I simply could not have finished even the first project without the support and feedback from this forum.*** I am no genius with a power tool, and many is the weekend I'd fire off question after question to this group ... and in return I got the thoughtful and experienced advice I needed to finish my project.

***So, a huge shout out to the men and women Mariner owners who helped in small and large ways with the restoration of Murre!***

Specifically, I'd like to thank Dave Lee, formerly of M31 CHERUB, who introduced me to the Japanese Boatwright, Iki, the man who rebuilt Murre's deck and taught me tons. His work was immaculate, his sense of humor, wry, and his taste in sushi … expensive (when I was buying).

I have received encouragement from many, but none more than Lawrence Killingsworth, formerly of M40 TA ATA ORI, and Mark Smith of M31 AEOLUS. James Shay of M31 PIXIS and I have worked on our boats in the same yard and our boats have cruised the same sea. Doug Wilson of M31 CACTUS TREE and I have exchanged several cruising emails over the years. Ditto Jared Kibele and Christine of M31 ARCHITEUTHIS--we both rebuilt our boats and then sailed them into the sunset--they just chased the sunset a little further than I did.

Also thanks to my friend and local project buddy, Bruce Allen of M31 GITANA VELA, whom I copied on the bowsprit and spreader job.

And most of all, big thanks to Bill Kranidis, formerly of M32 CARPE DIEM, who built this site, started this community, and still keeps it going. Bill once said to me, “If you have a hammer and a saw, you can do this rebuild!” And he was right.

It’s been a great pleasure owning a Mariner 31 named MURRE, a tough, easily balanced, sweet sailing, true-tracking, faithful as a hound-dog little boat.

Long may she swim!

As many of you know, I wrote almost infinitely about MURRE here: www.murreandthepacific.com

My new project here: www.figure8voyage.com/blog/

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[> Congrats -- Caleb Ardea #115, - Saturday - 02/27/16 - 7:31pm

They say there are two happy days for a boat owner and you just got your second one!

Thanks for all your write ups, definitely helped me through on my journey.

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[> Sad but Happy -- Aeolus M31 Mark, - Tuesday - 03/ 8/16 - 4:54pm

Just got back from 3wks in the Bahamas, (unfortunately not on my M31), and just wanted to chime in.

As I stated when you put Murre up for sale Randall we will all miss you here on the forum.
You're right when you say we all owe Bill Kranidis a lot for keeping this forum going for us all.

I for one hope to follow you in your new venture,

Fair Winds my friend

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[> Well......... -- Bill Kranidis, - Wednesday - 05/ 4/16 - 3:06pm

.....and so it goes :-)

Congrats on selling "Murre", Randall.

Lucky sailor the one who will be her next owner.
I hope he/she has the will to do the things you did with her.
I do hope, every sailor who is lucky enough to get their hands on a Mariner, to be as skillful, vigilant and capable as you were with "Murre".

Thanks for the kind words to you and Mark, but is all for the love of Mariners that we are still here.
Great teacher this fine boat was for me. From playing around with the sails to get another 1/4 knot out of her in dead calms to throwing my sleeping bag on the cabin sole to get some rest while hove-to during a storm off Nantucket.
Those are the things that I'll take with me. Hell, I still have photos of "Carpe Diem" as my puter's background :-)

You can bet that I'll follow your next adventures.

If you're ever on this coast (for whatever reason), let me know. I'd love to have a few brewskis with you again :-)

Bill Kranidis

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[> Time Passages -- Dave Lee, - Thursday - 05/25/17 - 11:21am

Now living in the US, it has been nearly ten years since I have seen "Iki" and even longer since Randall and I have spoken. I am gratified to hear Murre has gone to a new owner, and for Randall's work in documenting the restoration of her. Nearly 15 years have come and gone since I sold Cherub, and M31, and she was my last sailboat. Time Passages.

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