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Date Posted: - Wednesday - 08/ 5/09 - 11:59am
Author: Lawrence Killingsworth M40 Ta' Ata Ori
Subject: Where's the mizzen mast, sailor?
In reply to: Mike Anthony 's message, "Mizzen stay sail" on - Wednesday - 08/ 5/09 - 7:58am

I don't know Cap'n, how long has it been mizzen?
Ha, ha, that joke never gets old!

Well, Mike, you came to the right place. We were flying our mizzen stays'l on Ta' Ata Ori just last weekend. Here's how it works (for us, anyway): We have a mizzen stays'l halyard that comes out the forward side of the mizzen mast -- so that's the head. The tack has a line that is attached to a turning block at the base of the main mast and is secured to a cleat on the forward end of the main boom. (The tack line could also be run through a turning block at the base of the aft main mast shroud -- port or starboard, depending on the wind -- but the base of the main mast is best.) The clew is sheeted through a turning block that is way aft on the mizzen boom and is secured to a cleat in the cockpit.
The mizzen stays'l is great fun to fly on a good beam or broad reach and we like to use it in conjunction with our spinnaker/drifter.
Downside: you can't tack it. To tack, you have to strike the mizzen stays'l and re-set it on the other side of the vessel.
If you look at the Ta' Ata Ori section of this web site, you'll find one good picture of us flying the mizzen stays'l in very light air.
Hope this is helpful.
By the way, Mike, I'll be getting in some serious blue-water sailing in November. I've signed on as crew aboard the schooner Virginia, for a trip from Charleston to Bermuda. http://www.schoonervirginia.org Can't wait.

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[> [> Its still missing..... -- Mike Anthony, - Wednesday - 08/ 5/09 - 9:46pm

Hi, good to hear from you, you will have a great time on the sail to Bermuda, hope to see some pics. on to the stays'l. Do you have to pulleys on the mizzen, I have only one and it is for the mizzen halyard. As far as I know this is the orginal setup for this boat. I wonder if I could put a turning block or something similar on the mizzen mast. I have an original watercolor painting of this boat showing the excact stays'l I have flying, so somewhere they had it rigged up. Wish me luck and thanks for the information it will be helpful. Again have a great time on your cruise...

s/v Tivoli
Mike & Paula

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