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Date Posted: - Thursday - 08/ 6/09 - 12:01pm
Author: Lawrence Killingsworth M40 Ta' Ata Ori
Subject: Stays'l Halyard
In reply to: Mike Anthony 's message, "Mizzen stay sail" on - Wednesday - 08/ 5/09 - 7:58am

When we had the new aluminum masts built last year, we had the riggers put in both a mizzen halyard and a mizzen stays'l halyard. The old wooden mizzen mast we replaced did not have a block for a stays'l halyard.

I don't know exactly how the top of your mizzen mast is configured, but I would think it would be possible for you to rig a stays'l halyard block up there on the forward side of the mast to run an external halyard. Or if you've got an unused sheave up there, maybe you could run a halyard up the mast and use it -- just come out the front rather than the back of the mast. Depends on how much work you want to do, hanging from a bosn's chair. Or I'm sure there are professional riggers down there in JAX (you still in JAX?) who could do it for you -- not a huge project for a pro.

Anyway, you would really enjoy using the stays'l on a reach. It looks cool, is easy to handle and it boosts your power.

Fair winds and following seas,

-- Lawrence

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[> mizzen staysail halyard -- Steve M-32 SEAN O'Sea, - Thursday - 08/ 6/09 - 12:35pm

I don't know how the 40 is rigged but take a look at your mizzen masthead fitting. On my 32 there is a tang that is forward and points up to be used for the triatic stay and then there is one below that that will be used to attach a block for the staysail halyard. I'm guessing on yours but that is how my 32 is set up.

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