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Thick hull -- Jared Kibele, - Thursday - 02/19/09 - 11:41am
Hi Randall. I mounted my transducer under the aft-most drawer in the port settee. It turned out that was the only place I could find a 22 degree or less deadrise angle (this model of transducer can mount on a surface with 0 - 22 degrees). From my understanding, hull thickness shouldn't really matter. Sonar signals have problems crossing boundaries between different types of material but shouldn't attenuate much based on the thickness of the fiberglass. So a thick solid fiberglass hull works fine but a thin cored hull wouldn't work.
My transducer is hooked into a garmin sounder box (gsd 22: and the sounder is hooked to a garmin 4208 chartplotter ( The 4208 also works as my radar display. You can display the depth soundings in a whole slew of different ways. The whole mess is also hooked up with my autopilot.
...I went a little nuts with the electronics. I like that stuff.
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thru hulls -- Dan M32 #36 Independence, - Tuesday - 02/10/09 - 12:40pm
By wacky readings I meant that as I was sailing the soundings seemed ok and then they would fluctuate wildly. I knew It wasn't reading the bottom accurately. I never had that problem with any of the other sounders on any of my past boats. I know that in certain circumstances sounders will jump around. When I was sailing from Panama to Equador last June on a Passport 40 the sounder would occasionaly show 50 or 80 feet but we were 300 miles off shore. The captain said it was temp. changes. I just not ready to trust the new sounder yet. I think a hole though the hull is probably the best for a transducer.
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