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Date Posted: - Wednesday - 03/18/09 - 4:11pm
Author: Dan M32 #36 Independence
Subject: Roof redo
In reply to: Terry 's message, "Thanks" on - Tuesday - 03/17/09 - 11:54pm

I don't know if you're going to start before me but I'm intending to rip into mine Saturday or possibly earlier if work doesn't get in the way. I'll probably start with the coach roof. I'll post an update as soon as something happens. I'm excited to get going on this project but I'm sure my enthusiasm will cool as soon as I see what I got myself into. Here's to those who went before!

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[> [> [> [> Hey Dan how to get ring nails out? -- Terry, - Wednesday - 03/18/09 - 4:56pm

Hey Dan,
Looks like your going to get started before me, I still have to get the boat out of the water. I like to know everything there is about a project before I begin it. Please Please email me and send pics when you get into it.... These ring nails they talk about concern me as to how to best get them out... Sounds like a real pain in the A.s .. Not much info on here about M 40 projects but I assume the basic construction was the same for all models. I'm trying to get my ducks in a row as to avoid a bigger project then what I have already. Question ?? Is there anywhere's else other then the roof they used these pesky ring nails ?? I'm praying not the decks too. You can see what Sea Voyager is like as in a project here.. http://www.yachtseavoyager.com go to pictures and see my mess

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[> [> [> [> [> Ring nails -- Steve M-32 SEAN O'Sea, - Wednesday - 03/18/09 - 8:10pm

Yes, they are used in the deck also. Although people have a tendency to cuss at them, ring nails are really a very good construction method. They hold very well and are much faster than screws to drive. They are also less expensive. We as owners don't usually think in terms of the economics but if I'm trying to save money and can save on both labor and materials while maintaining the quality I'd be a fool not to use them. All this of course doesn't make them any less of a pain when it comes time to remove the @%$*&^%* things :-)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> ring nails -- Randall, - Wednesday - 03/18/09 - 9:06pm

The only other place I've encountered ring nails was at the base of the aft cabin bulkhead. See my "blog" on that project for pictures and remarks like Steve's: @%$*&^%.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Roof demo -- Dan M32 #36 Independence, - Thursday - 03/19/09 - 2:13am

Well I had a little time yesterday so I attacked the roof. I only had about an hour but I got about half of it done. Here’s what I figured out-
After pulling up the glass which was very easy by pushing a flat bar (pry bar) under it and then pulling sections of it up, I tried driving the bar under the edges of the plywood and prying but it wasn’t coming. I took a skillsaw and set the depth at slightly less than the thickness of the plywood and cut as close as was comfortable on either side of the nails over the deck beam. They are stainless nails on my boat.

I also cut along the bottom. There are screws around the outside edges. Once cut it was easy to pull the sections of ply out, sometimes with a little persuasion from a hammer from the underside.

I tried prying off the remaining strips but was concerned about damaging the beams. I tried something else. Using a block of wood, I held it against the edge of the strip and smacked it with a hammer. The pieces between the nails came off easily leaving the protruding nails. The nails came out easily with a hammer or pry bar. I could actually reuse the nails if I go that route.
The deck beams do have a slight hollow in the top.
It was alot easier than I thought it would be.
I took some photos but can't figure out how to post them. Help anyone?

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