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Roof demo -- Dan M32 #36 Independence, - Thursday - 03/19/09 - 2:13am
Well I had a little time yesterday so I attacked the roof. I only had about an hour but I got about half of it done. Here’s what I figured out-
After pulling up the glass which was very easy by pushing a flat bar (pry bar) under it and then pulling sections of it up, I tried driving the bar under the edges of the plywood and prying but it wasn’t coming. I took a skillsaw and set the depth at slightly less than the thickness of the plywood and cut as close as was comfortable on either side of the nails over the deck beam. They are stainless nails on my boat.
I also cut along the bottom. There are screws around the outside edges. Once cut it was easy to pull the sections of ply out, sometimes with a little persuasion from a hammer from the underside.
I tried prying off the remaining strips but was concerned about damaging the beams. I tried something else. Using a block of wood, I held it against the edge of the strip and smacked it with a hammer. The pieces between the nails came off easily leaving the protruding nails. The nails came out easily with a hammer or pry bar. I could actually reuse the nails if I go that route.
The deck beams do have a slight hollow in the top.
It was alot easier than I thought it would be.
I took some photos but can't figure out how to post them. Help anyone?
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