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Subject: Re: New Buddy Holly Stereo CD

Dale (good topic)
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Date Posted: Mon September 19, 2022 18:27:44
In reply to: Franklyn 's message, "Re: New Buddy Holly Stereo CD" on Mon September 19, 2022 11:10:42

Hi Franklyn

Thanks for posting the link and info.

To start, I 100% agree regarding the atrocious
orchestral "Buddy Re-Imagined" cd of a few years back.
Once again, it belongs under the category of pop
culture vandalism.

I have been following the progression, small p,
of the general idea and overall quality of
the mono to stereo kick for some time now.

I have always said that if the tech involved has a genuine appreciation of the original recording, if they have the
required skill to create a sensible final "mix" rather than a ham handed mess that only satisfies their own ego, then I am on board with the concept.

A couple of years ago, just prior to the mono to stereo thing becoming so common, I had planned a cd/essay project
showing the best of what had been done so far, as well as a few examples of what I consider failed attempts. At that time it had not become a commercial enterprise and was only being regularly posted on youtube by a handful of primarily well meaning enthusiasts.

On some occasions, two different takes of the same song, or in the case of Buddy, one "bare" take prior to final guitar or vocal double tracking was done, combined with the final
version, were used to create a stereo version.

As you say, the newer technique of splitting components of the original mono only hit allows for more options, but also for more failure.

I never have any time or sympathy for modern "overdubbed"
versions of classics, and that includes one particular youtube user who considers their uploads to be "enhancements". My feeling is that alterations such as those are en exercise in ego tripping.

I am aware that some fans will not share my somewhat rigid
view on how this trend is progressing. Even the great Bill Griggs would defend the shameful vocals added to Holly classics by the Picks by saying that they at least created a "stereo" version.

I guess I am more concerned with the original intent of the
artist being front of mind in any attempted faux stereo
offerings, almost as if a stereo version had been created back in the day, but not issued until decades later.

I offer one link to what I consider a very successful
stereo creation from more than a decade ago!

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYkIGvyZJMQ">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYkIGvyZJMQ</a>

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Subject Author Date
Re: New Buddy Holly Stereo CDDale (Hi Larry)Mon September 19, 2022 19:22:20

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