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Subject: .:|:.R.e.t.r.e.a.t.:|:.

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Date Posted: 13:51:17 07/26/03 Sat
In reply to: Machete 's message, ".e n t i c e." on 10:57:13 07/26/03 Sat

smug grin curls upon her chocolate dipped muzzle in a satisfied fashion, forbiding chassi dancing amongst a mixture of colors. her mind swirled around with bits and pieces of new information, much like a kettle of soup that contained slices of carrots and potatoes, all churning around, screaming to be eaten first.

your hate for Enchancee is unsurprising, though i hold no personal grude for her deception and abandonment. it did not affect me at the time. as for the pups, perhaps i should not have included them, for i have only layed eyes upon them and quite pathetic they are. perhaps they are the rare few that wouldn't fight back should they find themselves in danger. certainly no heirs to the throne at the moment,t hough who would want to have the blood of Enchancee sitting in power once more?

i failed to think of never returning in the first place, then again you do not have a crave for acceptance as she does. i cannot even place you in her paws for you two are like the north and the south. both cold, yet on opposite ends, completely different with only a general description linking you together.

our topic of life is far more complicated due to the fact we use individuals as examples. we do feel, or at least we know how to react in a specific way to a certain action. perhaps it is michanical, perhaps it is willful...yet it is never alike. for each wolf there is a different set of standards and regulations that the body follows, like thousands and thousands of lives. we refer to life as one, yet in truth it is beyond millions. you would not return as Enchancee did, because you do not hold the same life force as she, and thus you follow different guidelines, different rules. opinions, minds, they are always similar, but never exact.

all pools have one shallow end, but not all of them have a deep end.

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.l e t s d o.Machete15:25:42 07/26/03 Sat

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