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Subject: () Forgive Me, For I Have Sinned ()

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Date Posted: 09:43:30 07/25/03 Fri

() Tears streaked and matted the face of the damned as the female of once high rank, entered upon worn pads. Her face was turned down in disgust of her own self, and the way she had abandoned those that had relied on her. Her story was a tangled one, and she wouldn’t bother anyone in sharing it and thus explaining why she’d gone. What did they care anyway? Her pale coat no longer caught the rays of the dieing sun as it flooded into the land that had once been hers but instead it lay relaxed upon her skinny hide. Ribs protruded past her chest, stomach no longer begging for food, for it’d given up such hopes. She was half starved, and disgusting. The once beautiful female that had been sent to earth appeared tattered and torn like a rose lost in the depths of the sea. And to add all this upon it, she no longer was lead. She’d forsaken and lost the land that had belonged to Khastin. It was a bitter world, and she knew that now. But, all the same, she had returned for she had no where else to go. Would she be welcomed? Perhaps forgiven? No, no, that was to much to ask for…right? ()

(My many apologies to everyone for my absence. The one thing I’ve learned about life this month, is it always goes so slow…and then BAM! Everything happens at once.)

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Walking Amongst ShadowsShadow Walker10:48:45 07/25/03 Fri

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