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Subject: .a t y o u r o w n s t u p i d i t y.

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Date Posted: 11:36:33 07/27/03 Sun
In reply to: Tetrianni 's message, "I'm laughing so hard" on 10:06:38 07/27/03 Sun

He stood on all fours, turning his haunches to her face in an immediate sign of disrespect. Telepathy was a gift, and she had just handed to him her thoughts with a pretty little bows, and saving the smart aleck reply he just chose to ignore her.

"I never once uttered that I was King. I never asked for the title of "king"...a title is nothing until it has facts to back it up. It is insolent for you to draw on a situation you were not here to witness. So do not mock my foreward movements to aid in this land's uprise."

He never rotated his head over his shoulder, just called it into the air knowing she would hear. Her view of 'royalty' was completely stereotypical--just because he was Khastin's brother never made him royalty...the arrogant discust him--probably why he was waning from parting words with this indevidual for the current time.

"We all know the diddy about assumption--perhaps you should not attempt to draw your information from posts and conversations that you are not involved in, but from the information I tell you. We cannot reside together without honesty--so for the future I'd at least like a reliquished supply of the same."

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I'm kicking myself repeatedlyTetrianni12:55:57 07/27/03 Sun

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