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Subject: Re: THE BIG LIE

Norm Hutton
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Date Posted: 19:59:57 02/14/04 Sat
In reply to: ROBERT A. MAZUREK 's message, "THE BIG LIE" on 16:27:33 12/04/02 Wed

>By now, Most Canadians have heard about the deliberate
>hiding of continuous Cost Over-runs regarding the
>Liberal Governmments Gun Control Firearm Registry.
>However the Auditor-Generals Report should be of no
>Real suprise to anyone. We (Members of Canada's
>Firearm Community ) warned Canadians back in 1995 that
>the original estimates of 85 Million Dollars by then
>Justice Minister Allen Rock - were pure fantasy. This
>is one of the Prime Reasons we fought Bill C-68 then,
>and why we continue to fight it - even today !!
>- I watched the present and past (Mr.Rock) Justice
>Ministers (on CPAC) defend the Registry by stating
>that they believe it is useful, and Canadians should
>weigh the value it brings for that money spent, due to
>the amount of lives it saves (they used a figure of
>300 people) They further stated that the RCMP use it
>daily for searches in their daily activities.
>- Firstly, I would challenge either Justice Minister
>to Prove beyond a doubt- how this Registry has saved
>even one life !! ... On the Contrary- the Registry
>Jeapordizes lives in Canada every day. How can this be
>you may ask ?
>- Well, Let's consider Domestic Violence. In Canada
>when a female spouse seeks protection from a former
>male spouse- she seeks to obtain a Peace Bond
>/Restraining Order. (yet another Liberal Government
>Piece of Paper solution to crime) Unfortunately, the
>Police can only act and come to the aid of the poor
>lady, once the bond/restraining order has been
>-In other words, Once the former spouse has invaded
>her home,and in most cases already caused substantial
>emotional and physical damage to her. What the really
>disturbing thing about this whole mess is that many
>times throughout Canada every year- this ordeal ends
>up with the woman being killed by the former spouse.
>- Winnipegs own 911 Murders were a Prime Example of
>why Liberal Paper solutions to crime are nothing more
>than "Feel-Good" policies that on the outside appear
>to have some useful purpose- but in reality do nothing
>to attack the real problem, as Police find their hands
>tied , and can only react once the crime has already
>been committed.
>-This whole 911 system failure brings about a whole
>other debate regarding the Constitutionality of Bill
>C-68. The subject of the right of Canadians to defend
>themselves with firearms. The Magna-Carta,old English
>law,and the Charter of rights and freedoms all
>recognize the right of Canadians to defend themselves
>with or without firearms, -However the way the Bill
>C-68 is written - self-defence is almost
>impossible-and Canadian Justice officials frown on
>lawful gun owners defending themselves with
>firearms-why ? ...because it of course makes the
>argument that we live in violent society and need guns
>for self-defence a very valid, in your face truthful
>argument- but worse than that, they are afraid that
>ordinary Canadians will agree with that fact and
>opposition for gun control will grow at an alarming
>rate by the general populace.
>-This is why many cases of actual self-defence
>involving firearms across Canada each year go
>completely unreported by the media and covered up by
>senior Police Officials who are either forced or are
>sympathetic to Liberal anti-gun Political agendas. In
>essence, The government simply does not want this type
>of publicity getting out !!
>- The Gun Registry is just as useless as the Domestic
>Violence Policies this Government has enacted. The Gun
>Registry only obtains data on lawful gun owners who
>have had no previous criminal history and are probably
>the most law-abiding people in Society today. Contrary
>to what the Justice Minister stated- The RCMP and
>other Police agencies across Canada- have expressed
>their concern about how inaccurate the data is in the
>Registry and how it is of very little actual use to
>them as it stands. (and I could provide a list of
>errors- but it would be more convienant for your
>readers to explore this for themselves as the
>followijng website :
>- The other factor being manipulated by this
>government is that of overall Compliance rates. The
>CFC has over the years continuously revised their
>statistics regarding the actual number of gun owners
>in Canada. To be truthful, they really don't know
>exactly how many gun owners there are, and therefore
>have no conclusive evidence to substantiate their
>claims/statistics. They "claim" their are roughly 2.3
>million gun owners (at least this was their latest
>revised figure) Actual numbers (estimated by those who
>have been involved in the shooting sports and actual
>gun dealers ) state numbers between Seven and Ten
>Million Gun owners. With actual numbers of Firearms
>well above 20 million.
>- The CFC 's objective has been to try to substantiate
>the reasons for the continued spending of the
>Registry, and therefore have continually juggled the
>numbers in order to try to convince the Canadian
>public that the money is being well spent-because of
>an "implied Successful compliance rate" .
>-The sad truth of the matter is that Gun Owners have
>rejected Bill C-68 since it was even mentioned on the
>lips of Liberals before it even became law. While all
>Responsible gun owners do support safe storage laws-
>We were already practicing safe storage of firearms,
>long before the government even thought about Bill
>C-68. !!
>- I find it odd that I saw Wendy Cukier (To which I
>refer to as an anti-gun zealot) of the Coalition for
>Gun Control before parliment today to speak on behalf
>of her lobby group arguing in defence of the money
>being spent on gun control - yet no group was allowed
>to speak or represented on behalf of Canadian Gun
>Owners - Is this what they call a democracy?
>- This liberal government has continuously and
>deliberately misled and lied to not only the Canadian
>people about the truth about Gun Control, but has also
>lied to and hidden cost factors to Parliment itself-
>as proven today by the Auditor Generals Report.
>- What is truly hilarious (and quite sad ) is the fact
>the Liberal Governments answer to all of this money
>dodging fiasco- is to what else ? .... "Spend More
>Money" . They have requested a commission be set up to
>do a "study" at a cost of $ 60,000 on how to improve
>on the way they waste money on the Gun Registry.
>Let's remember that this cost is only an "estimate"
>(just like the initial cost of the gun registry was
>only supposed to be 85 million right ? )
>-In light of the proven uselessness of this registry,
>they are determined to pour yet another 72 million in
>it just this year alone. and who knows how much after
>that.The question remains is how about proving that
>this registry is really effective in saving lives.
>- They won't do that though- you know why? ...because
>they can't prove it saves lives, because there is
>absolutely no evidence to support it. In fact,
>Statistics Canada has shown that handgun deaths are up
>, and anyone in Toronto will tell you that regardless
>of how many guns may be registered- Pieces of Paper
>(Registration certificates) are not preventing
>criminals from getting their hands on handguns and
>killing people in that city every single weekend this
>- So there you have it- the whole gun control system
>is a farce, the liberals want to keep pouring money
>into this farce (because they simply just can't admit
>to Canadians that they know very well it is a farce,
>and the object of Gun Control and firearm
>registrationb was never really ever about public
>safety ( but about developing a database for later Gun
>- In my mind anyway, any Government that purposely
>lies to the people, and worse yet lies to parliment
>itself... is guilty of fraud and theft / mismanagement
>of Canadian tax dollars. and should be held
>accountable just as any other fraud/scam artist in
>Canada who seeks to suck money out of innocent people
>for their own agenda or profit. ( charities fronting
>for Terrorist organizations come to mind)
>- But better yet- Lets call the government on their
>bluff - they say the billion dollars spent thus far is
>money well spent-because it's made Canadians safer-
>okay then- Lets' make them prove it - show us the real
>hard evidance !!!
>Better yet- How about the Justice Minister and Wendy
>Cukier take a trip to Toronto and make a speech on the
>steps of their City Hall to proclaim how much Safer
>Torontonians are these days thanks to their Billion
>Dollar Gun Registry (and perhaps an armed gang member
>in the crowd will stop long enough to have a good
>laugh !! )
I recently heard that the cost of Bill C 68 is closer to 2 billion dollars,but that is still not the actual cost! I was at one time a hunter, and owned rifles, then I saw the "writing on the wall" so to speak. Just too much of a damn hassle. So I sold my hunting rifles, but this has affected a number of innocents! I no longer buy hunting licenses,ammunition,hunting equipment,stay overnight enroute in motels or hotels, purchase meals on the road, etc
All those good people who I used to deal with have lost my support, and probably many other now non-hunters as well!

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