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Subject: Re: WALMART OR NOT?

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Date Posted: 16:01:53 02/25/04 Wed
In reply to: Ron Atencio 's message, "WALMART OR NOT?" on 05:04:27 02/06/04 Fri

>Then why did the Mayor say (on Ogden TV channel 17 interview, which was quite ridiculous) that most businesses wanted Wally World. I have talked to business owners on the Street and have not found one in favor. Where is this information coming from?
There has been much said about if Wal Mart should come
>to downtown Ogden. There are good arguements for both
>sides. Polls show that a majority of folks do not want
>it here. Many feel it will be the cheapening of our
>downtown area and continue to drain business and
>revenues from local downtown merchants. Others feel it
>will increase traffic and bring bodies downtown and
>perhaps increase traffic for all businesses. What is
>right? Who knows? Don't we wish we had a crystal ball
>to look into. If so would we have ever had the Ogden
>City Mall? And what other things would we still have
>or not have. Give us your thoughts on this subject and
>perhaps we will print them in another forum in this
>ezine or in our next issue of STREET, if it is not too
>late. Speak up and be heard. That is what democracy
>and free speech is about. And it is important to get
>involved in your community to help steer and make
>decisions as to what the community wants at large.

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Re: WALMART OR NOT?Roland W.19:37:56 02/29/04 Sun

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