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Subject: Re: WALMART OR NOT?

Dustin Chapman
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Date Posted: 23:01:01 10/16/04 Sat
In reply to: Roland W. 's message, "Re: WALMART OR NOT?" on 19:37:56 02/29/04 Sun

I agree whole heartedly with you. The city does need to remain quaint and rustic of sorts as another post mentioned, however there is a fine line between rustic and ghost town. You need to have a draw. There can be balance.
I just got done watching a report on channel 5 giving air time to the people protesting against WM in Ogden. My question is, How many Smith's are there in the Ogden area? There are plenty of those and nobody says a darn thing. I see a Smith's more often than I see a WM.
I attended a City Council meeting a while ago where Mr. Roush (I think that's how you spell his name, if not...sorry) presented his petiton to the City Council against WM. Intrestingly, at that meeting a woman got up to the podium and said that she lived in the area and asked that the City plese make it so they could have a fresh start. She stated that for years she had tried to make improvements to their house and make it a better area, but it was to no avail. She said that her property was in a sense a black hole and welcomed the opportunity to be able to start over again. How come nobody talks about this? Why is it always the negative that gets the publicity?
Finally, what happens if the city doesn't proceed with this? Say hello to your new WM on 1900 in West Haven. That city will be laughing all the way to the improved roads and schools created by the enormous tax base created by WM and accompanying businesses. We all know that the city needs more money and more people to improve things (not that they have not done a marvelous job already), and this is the way to do it. It's either welcome WM and gain the benefits or let it be built two miles away and watch helplessly as our roads, schools, and city deteriorate even more (sound familiar...can anyone say RIVERDALE!!!!!)

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