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Date Posted: 14:57:00 01/18/01 Thu
Author: Tim
Subject: Not at all patronising, that! (sarcastic)
In reply to: eddi 's message, "tsk tsk tsk....b4 u post..patti boi..check with psyc major...(WAVING MY HAND...ME!!)..hehe...they have changed the name of multiple personality disorder to DID as Dissociative idenity Disorder...(click to see more)" on 10:04:13 01/18/01 Thu

I think you may find he checked with a person who has more practical experience than a study course. It's often better to check with someone living the life than someone who has written a book on it.

But still, it hardly matters what you CALL this. What matters is that you do not fear, pity, or sympathise with those said to be "suffering" from it. They are people. And they do not suffer. Except in the way that you or I suffer, for they are exactly as you or I.

I suppose the main difference between them and a singleton is that they seem to spend (I said, I am learning, and my friends will correct me) time away from being the (how do I phrase this?) active consciousness controllng bodily finctions. Instead they are busy inside, living their lives.

Now I know I've not phrased this well. "Medical jargon" is something I'm trying to avoid, but it does lead to awkward phrasimg. Some of the words used to describe my friends are very disempowering. I am learning not to fall down that particular hole. Or trying to learn. I know they will forgive my clumsiness. :)

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