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Date Posted: 16:52:44 01/18/01 Thu
Author: Just Ashley......
Subject: Hello Pat

You seem to be a nice guy Pat, maybe I will get to know you better. I Like your web site too, like you, I like Mythic creatures. I hope you can view my page too when ya have time. I added a comment to your message on TGO and I am glad you have the intestional fortitude to say what you think. I was treated badly for more than one reason and yes, at least twice I thought MY life was in danger. I felt sad when I read about Mathew on the net.

I imagined the fear that was in him and the pain of being alone as he stood there dying. The fact that they mentioned the tear stained face when he was found is sufficient. I cried a lot after reading that as I realised but for the grace of GOD and the quick thinking of my Brother I could have been laying in a box too. It is unbelievable that HUMANS could harm another for something that is rather innocuous to those people who are not directly involved.

I watched on Current affair the other night of a guy from a small Victorian Town who is having to leave his home cause he is being ostracised for his gay tendencies, also his parents are being targeted. The interviewer spoke to a "minister" of a local church who said he wouldn't have anything to do with him cause of his "choice" of being gay.

Maybe I am stupid BUT, how can the church hold this line of reasoning and be pushing SO hard to have a LEGAL Heroin Injecting room set up here in NSW, namely Kings Cross.
Isn't that an acceptance of THIS lifestyle?? yes I think it is. We are in danger of being usurped by animals as the dominant life form here on Earth. When they kill or discriminate it is for preservation or food, we are spose to be INTELLIGENT and responsible.

Please excuse MY rave Pat, but I had to speak out. I feel sad at the moment and a little less human than some today.
I made some people unhappy in the last few days and I just feel like a little lift too. I hope it all makes sense....
You are an admirable person with good intentions......

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