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Date Posted: Wed 01/07/04 - 10:40:02 AM
Author: Radio Listener
Subject: Re: VFX MORNING SHOW.....if you can call it one
In reply to: SLCgal 's message, "VFX MORNING SHOW.....if you can call it one" on Wed 01/07/04 - 9:21:35 AM

Okay, a few words about this. Logan = VERY small, introductory radio market. If you look at VFX's Web site, you'll see that Marin is a student at USU. Al Pace has been there for a while. A big problem in that market is that a person, Al, in this case, has to handle a ton of duties. He's the program director, morning man, does production, and probably more I don't even know about; all for a MUCH smaller salary than anyone at ZHT in the morning is receiving. He's so busy that developing a "ZHT sounding" morning show is probably near impossible.

ZHT has a producer, separate from the main talent, that has everything ready for them. This person lines up guests, works with the program director on scheduling content for breaks, etc. This is why their show should, in theory, be quite a bit superior to VFX. Its called competing in market 32 against other stations with similar, high-paid morning talent and a lot of signals.

At VFX, they don't have ratings in their primary market, and are the only top 40 outlet (that has a strong signal anyway) so they don't have a lot of incentive to spend tons of money on product. Most people honestly only care about the music, especially since their talent probably will move on in a few years anyway. For example, KUDD/KUDE 107.9/103.9 "Power 107-9" afternooner Kramer used to be on VFX, to name one. He's posted here before about having to do so much there for so little money.

HOWEVER, I agree that Kenton does a great night show, with a very upbeat presentation right out of the box at 5 PM and I enjoy listening to the station then.

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