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Date Posted: 20:44:18 04/28/06 Fri
Author: Rocket
Subject: United 93

I just saw this one tonight and HIGHLY recommend it. It's one of the most emotionally-charged movies I've see in a long time... for obvious reasons.

When "Farenheit 9/11" came out, it was marketed as the film "everyone should see". I thought that was a pretty ridiculous statement to make, considering it was a one-sided propaganda film.

If there TRULY was a film "everyone should see", it's "United 93" - the true account of an incredibly heroic group of people who fought for their lives during one of our country's darkest days.

No political statements. No twisting of reality. Just a straight forward, as accurate as possible story of 40 strangers who banned together to fight a twisted enemy in a desperate attempt to survive.

Watching the movie was truly a gut-wrenching experience. 9/11 changed me on a personal level, and watching this film brought back the emotion I felt that day. Like many of us during that time, I found myself imagining what it had to be like to be on those four planes. My guess is that this movie captured the genuine essence.

It doesn't seem all that long ago that this nation was united together that day. For a short time, we were more concerned with fighting a real enemy than each other. Petty differences were pushed aside in favor of a clear goal.

I think it's important that people never forget what happenned that day.

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