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Date Posted: 10:30:40 05/21/06 Sun
Author: Hugh Jazz
Subject: Poseidon

Not bad. Moves fast. The wave hits and turns the boat over in the first minutes and from that point on, the movie is an unrelenting 90 minutes of above-average edge-of-your seat action thriller.

Not much emphasis is placed on getting to know the people who are trying to escape the overturned cruiseship through the propeller hatch and I personally don't think this is that big of a deal. The information that is provided is minimal and of the blink-and-you'll-miss-it variety.

Wolfgang Petersen, the self-proclaimed "King of Water Movies" does a nice job setting up the thrills and chills and he has a knack for making plausible suspense. It is a little gory and the amount of corpses lying around was believable, but not really necessary.

The movie is really nothing like the original in terms of characters; they have been changed completely. There is no heroic-preacher leader in the form of Gene Hackman. His role has been split between Kurt Russell and Josh Lucas. That way, one of them can still sacrifice themselves to save the others and one of them can live to send the masses home happy. Richard Dreyfuss must have needed a paycheck and the little kid was not nearly as brave and helpful as the kid in the original.

Still, I liked it for what it was - a summer action film - and I would recommended a rental of it.

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