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Date Posted: 16:17:57 07/11/01 Wed
Author: skittlefairy
Subject: Sezma chapter 4
In reply to: skittlefairy 's message, "Sezma Chapter 3" on 08:33:56 07/09/01 Mon

A story about Aba!
Aba made a new friend today, and he has a razor blade! Yay! Aba’s friend is Ghost, the noodly-arm boy! Aba started to make fun of Ghost one sunny day while Nonago was on the phone with him. Ghost was homophobic and didn’t like the things that Aba was saying. It made Ghost mad. It made him want to kill Aba! Yay!
So Nonago handed Aba the phone. Much to Aba’s surprise, a bunch of noodles (which happened to be Ghost’s arms) flew out of the phone! They started to choke Aba until he got the point. Yay again!
Now Aba stays away from Ghost and the phone, I suppose he learned a lesson, but and I can’t remember what it is right now. Perhaps it has something to do with dog food! Yay!!!

Sezma left early the next morning to Nonago’s house. She left those pretty bodies on her bedroom floor to decay, oh well. Sezma knocked and Aba answered the door. “Hi, what do you want?” Aba asked with a psychotic little eye twitch. Sezma grinned and pushed him out of her way and went to Nonago’s room.
Nonago was sleeping and Sezma jumped on her bed and woke her up. “Huh? What are you doing here?” Nonago yawned at her. Sezma answered in delight,” Let’s go out to play!” and Nonago then got up and dressed.
They called Deiko to see if he would join them, and he said he would meet them at the bookstore. So they started off to the hellhole on foot and plotted things amongst themselves.

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