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Date Posted: 19:59:19 07/24/01 Tue
Author: Skittlefairy
Subject: Sezma chapter 5
In reply to: skittlefairy 's message, "Sezma chapter 4" on 16:17:57 07/11/01 Wed

When Sezma and Nonago reached the mall and wited for Deiko....amazingly he brought a friend along, dear little Ghost. Nonago giggled in his general direction and they all skipped off to the food court.
"mommy mommy! I want tht kinda food!" A fat little girl screeched. Ghost looked at her with an annoyed peice of dust in his eye, Nonago's nostrils flared, Deiko acted nonchalant as he unleashed a knife, and Sezma grinned in glee. They jumped onto the fat child and her fat family, slitting them to nothingness.
Then, blood-covered, they fled from the scene with smiles (except Ghost, he NEVER smiles, I think...). They returned to Nonago's house full of splender at their doings!
"I love going out to play! Don't you Sezma?" Nonago asked her. Sezma nodded with half closed eyelids. Deiko gave her a sad look, and pulled her into the next room.
"I think we should just be friends..."He said quietly. "What!??! My murdering techniques offend you?" Sezma asked with an outlandish voice of astonishment. "No, but well..."He started. "I understand, asshole." Sezma told him with a smile and they went back to Nonago's room.

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