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Subject: Re: okay...here's the story(s)

Yem remembers
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Date Posted: Tuesday, February 11, 08:56:09am
In reply to: Becky Rae 's message, "Re: okay...here's the story(s)" on Monday, February 10, 08:56:56pm

First, good luck in the Navy.

Yep, so they're still spying on the forum. You are saying the same stuff that Jill and I said there and they obviously want to curb that. Rather tame stuff really but we're talking rather infantile folk.

I spent a lot of time on that site and it was unhealthy. I was looking for a place to hide from my problems and I know a lot of others who were doing the same thing. Hey, I knew a lot of people there and I know.

As far as kissing ass, that is hardly a secret. Whereever the is a heirarchy you'll find butt kissers, only the truly naive would suggest differently.

As far as making money, well, whether they profit or not, the money goes to them. No idea what they spend their money on but they are being paid whether they profit from it or not...and they don't seem like the altruistic sort to me so I assume they are making a profit of some sort.

I'm sorry Becky, you are being punished for your association with me. I apparently hit a nerve with them and whatever it was, they didn't like it one bit. I wasn't aware that I ever said anything all that inflamatory. After-all I sort of a friendly sort and no one takes me serious. Apparently I struck paydirt with my comments and passing the forum on to you made you their next victim. Look what they did to Verena (Tiggy), demoted her just because she had my writing in her port. Such silly children. Well I did email him and told him off at least. I was told never to email him again, lol. Children. Well, it never hurts to speak your mind, a closed society is scary and I want no part of it, hence I'm not there. It was fun for a time, but life is much to busy to spend time there.

Once again, good luck Wave Becky:)

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Re: okay...here's the story(s)HorrorMistressTuesday, February 11, 02:36:32pm

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