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Subject: Re: okay...here's the story(s)

Becky Rae
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Date Posted: Monday, February 10, 08:56:56pm
In reply to: Yem knows all 's message, "Re: Hi and a confession" on Monday, February 10, 11:11:18am

Ok, so here's my story...at the request of Jill. :-)

Never talked with the Story Master, so I really don't know anything about him. Don't really care. BUT the Story Mistress has chewed me out three times in my recent memory. Hehehe...And for the stupidest stuff. The last time I said there were people who kissed ass on that site, which was an observation even mods were making, and she went off on me. I said I was sorry (although I'm not) and never got back a response. I thought it was indeed very immature.

The time before that I happened to mention we should all have fun because the sm and sms are the only ones getting paid. And she told me I didn't know that, and I shouldn't be prying into their financial affairs or something. I thought, what an idiot! If the Story Master is worth a darn with computers (and I'm sure he is), he's using all opensource, which is free, and paying only for the hardware and advertising. Doesn't take a genius to come to the conclusions I did.

Before that I said saying you're addicted to the site is obviously a sign of unhealthiness. Hehehe...come on, being addicted to anything is unhealthy. And she said I obviously didn't have any friends on the site because if I did I wouldn't be able to stay away. Hehehe...can you believe that? What kind of dumbass comeback is that? I love when people say they are addicted. It's called product loyalty. The sm probably knows it, and that's why he gets so upset when we don't strongarm people to stay around the site. Hehehe...

"well, Becky, after your latest, I just have to respond." That's how the last one started. And she dots it all with smileys as if it makes her a nicer person. Two-faced is more likely...in my opinion.

Yeah, rigid is a good word for it. I love to get e-mails from new mods who came to the site after me...or just don't know me that well. They are just all starry-eyes with their new blue glory. And they say "Oh, Becky, you'll be a mod too. Just you wait!" It makes me laugh every time. What tools (no offense to any current or former mods here obviously)...and if they knew the half of it, they'd probably side with the sms just to be on the safe side. Hehehe...

The bite of it is - I really love the site, and I do have friends there. It's great to talk to you all! I don't mean to bring everyone down with this negativity, but it does feel good to get it off my chest. New with me - quit law school, going into the Navy. *sings* In the navy... Hehehe...

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Re: okay...here's the story(s)Yem remembersTuesday, February 11, 08:56:09am

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