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WELCOME HOME AI ! -- talkonline, 17:51:17 12/03/09 Thu [1]
Joe Schneggenburger at 215.952.5464 or email
sends awesome SIXERS! email and he has Premium Box Seats available for every home game next week.
plus Premium Menu! (tell him talkonline sent you ;)
I got BOARDWALK! -- talkonline, 17:52:04 09/18/09 Fri [2]
sssssh! Yep. Its true. I've been practicing since they launched the game last week, and sometime around 5am this morning, they re-launched www.monopolycitystreets.com.
It took me all day long!
It cost me $4,724,000 M-money. (don't ask me how I got that much ;)).
They HID! THE Boardwalk! Imagine that!
Lots of good ATLANTIC CITY streets still available.
(hint) you may have to look in Brigantine, or NJ, USA.
Please don't anyone bulldoze me now that I have revealed my purchase.
I may auction it off for a good cause.
"It's Always Sunny in Atlantic City?" -- talkonline, 17:03:09 06/12/09 Fri [1]
OK, I admit I've been recieving updates and internet-stalking DANNY DEVITO and the cast-of IT'S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA all week.
And, even-though I know they're professionals, and were supposed-to wrap-up LOCAL, (for PHILLY), shooting of NEW EPISODES today, well, since I've been stalking thier every move since they hit the streets (courtesy-of The PHILADELPHIA INQUIERER, and SUE SERIO on FOX-PHILADELPHIA),, well, since it finally DID get "sunny", I'm hoping-to bump into DEVITO & the CREW one way or another, and I'm really staring-to wonder if there is a side-trip to AC planned???
(If anyone spots them please get me an auto-graphed beer-can!!!).
Tomorrow-LONEGAN! -- talkonline, 18:36:12 06/01/09 Mon [1]
How important is it to VOTE for STEVE LONEGAN tomorrow?
I think the outcome of tomorrow's primary will not-only decide the future-of NEW JERSEY, (yes, that means SOUTH JERSEY/ATLANTIC COUNTY too!), but if LONEGAN gets elected in November, his leadership and example could SAVE OUR COUNTRY & turn it around.
Why? Fiscal conservatisim (hope I spelled that right), and smart financial choices. Look at CALIFORNIA. Look at what's happening there financially with the government, and then LETS SHOW THEM HOW IT'S DONE!
If we can do it, so can they. And we CAN do it, but I honestly feel that LONEGAN'S LEADERSHIP for our State, is our only, last, and final chance.
CHRIS CHRISTIE isn't a bad-guy in my opinion, as far as I know, but only STEVE LONEGAN'S proven fiscal manuevering POWER can help us now.
Let's not throw-away our chance to give STEVE a chance to bring REAL responsible government to our state AND the USA!
I hate to give this scum attention, but he posts his photo on his site. I know I took a good look at his ugly face and if I ever see him in VENTNOR, I'll be sure to tell him he's not welcome here.
Lottery store rip-offs, EXPOSED! -- talkonline, 06:56:25 05/01/09 Fri [1]
The state of CALIFORNIA did an investigation into lottery-store clerks, and their family-members because they were cashing-in BIG!
DATELINE-CHRIS HANSEN reports this Sunday
The fraud discovered was MASSIVE & widespread in California, leading investigators to guess that this most-likely goes-on in EVERY state.
Myself & another person actually CAUGHT a clerk in NJ doing this. But in a different way than what was shown this morning in the preview for Sunday night's expose'.
What we observed was a rip-off involving the "instant winner" option, where we noticed clerks were not handing us the tickets, but offering to cash or discard them. (on the Pick 3 & 4).
HANSEN laments the fact that CALIFORNIA is the only state, (so far) that bothered to investigate considering what appears to be common practice.
LEVINE is BACK! -- talkonline, 13:31:30 04/29/09 Wed [1] http://www.thelevinereport.com/ Every afternoon this week at 2pm, I've listened-to THE LEVINE REPORT on WIBG-AM.
I thought maybe he was a fill-in, but today I heard him say that he's been on a week or so, PLUS, he has a WEBSITE!
Gone but not forgotten- -- talkonline, 16:10:54 04/18/09 Sat [1]
Today we said goodbye to HARRY KALAS. A voice that came over the airwaves, and like they say, provided the narration to our lives.
Like background music, I could be doing dishes or laundry when all-of a sudden the whole house would pause for a second and then you'd hear it, "THAT BALL IS OUTTA HERE!".
And then I'd hear it again, like an echo from whoever else in the house heard it.
And then I'd echo back.
"WE LOST OUR VOICE"-was the headline. And it was so true that The Press even copied it.
I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to my friend RICH from BRIGANTINE, RICH from EVERYWHERE.
So today as I watch the TRIBUTE TO HARRY and say goodbye to HARRY KALAS & think about how I'll never forget the sound of his voice and how much it brought to my life, I'm remembering RICH too.
The soundtrack of my life always got a little more exciting while RICH or HARRY were on-the-air, and I miss the fact that I can't just pick-up the phone and call RICH, (he always had time to for a nice long chat), to hear all the details.
(RICH was one-of the founders of this message-board by the way)
Those two great voices had a lot in common. An overall optimisim and joy in life. It came-across in their voices, over-the-air, and uplifted those who heard it.
RICH used to say he, "NEVER HAD A BAD DAY.", and I believed him.
A prayer was said during the TRIBUTE to HARRY THE K, it asked that we honor his memory in acts of kindness.
That's a good idea, for RICH too and RICH's family also requested that donations can be made in honor of RICH for his friends at the Shore Memorial Dialysis fund, where RICH spent a lot of time in his last years.
So, when it gets too quiet around here, and I'm missing the sound of those great voices who kept me company, I'll hear them in my memory, and maybe do something nice to remember them by.
ACCC RAFFLE TICKETS! -- talkonline, 02:08:48 03/02/09 Mon [1]
*Tickets for Gala Raffle available online*
+ Gala information/tickets
See link for details. Copied from site below:
Give the Gift of a College Education to Students in Financial Need!
Tickets are $100. Proceeds benefit student scholarships at Atlantic Cape Community College.
3 Lucky Winners Will Share $25,000*!
1st Prize $15,000*
2nd Prize $7,500*
3rd Prize $2,500*
* Winnings based on all 500 tickets being sold. Winners need NOT be present to win!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The 2009 Restaurant Gala
Bally's Atlantic City
For more information contact Sean Fischer at 609-343-5674, or sfischer@atlantic.edu.
ATTENTION VISITORS! -- talkonline, 18:02:32 02/26/09 Thu [1]
I'm working-on a (BeTA)~UPGRADE to this page with something really exciting.
If anyone knows-of a LOCAL link that should be added, please send me the info. to talkonline@gmail.com
Also--I'm too lazy to try & figure-out if anyone (else) uses the links to listen live to LOCAL stations, and (HINT!), my special (BeTA)~UPGRADE involves the LISTENING portion of this page. (yes I know the AC High School link usually does not work anymore)
So, if you use the links to listen online, or have any suggestions for that PLEASE let me know. (and I'll send you a preview link to my BeTA-UPGRADE).
Something Different -- talkonline, 17:09:49 02/26/09 Thu [1]
I just found-out about a website that is on a hunt for acronyms, and 4-letter abbreviations.
Copied below are some links and snips from their site, along-with the "AC"s that they are still looking-for.
They only accept ONE, or the FIRST submission!! for entries, so let's get our AC, (Atlantic City...,Atlantic County...), submissions ON THE LIST!
Between 1998 and 2002, the Three Letter Abbreviation Hunt managed to track down meanings for every single one of the 17,576 possible three-letter combinations.
The bigger challenge began in 2004- the hunt for all the four letter abbreviations.
There are 456,956 to be found, so there's still a very long way to go. But with your help, this can be done.
A full list of credits and thanks will be online eventually, but in the meantime particular thanks to Richard Brain, Phil Mackie and Garmt de Vries, whose assistance has been ABCD.
We're still looking for almost half a million different listings... far too many to list here, so here's a list of all the combinations that we're missing beginning with "A". If you know what any of these combinations stands for, please submit it!
LONEGAN is COMING! Tomorrow! -- talkonline, 20:23:51 02/22/09 Sun [1]
Lonegan will be in the area this Monday, February 23. He will attend a coffee-klatsch at the home of Charles and Doris Lukens, 409 North Suffolk Ave., in Ventnor Heights at 4PM, of Michael and Trevi Silverstein at 16th and Bay in Ocean City, at 5:15 P.M., and at the Somers Point Republican Club at the Crab Trap in Somers Point at 7PM.
... the grantee or award recipient. SEC. 1609. LIMIT ON FUNDS. None of the amounts appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act may be used for any casino or other gambling establishment, aquarium, zoo, golf course, swimming pool, stadium, community park, museum, theater, art center, and highway beautification project. SEC. 1610. HIRING AMERICAN WORKERS IN COMPANIES RECEIVING TARP FUNDING. (a) ...
Will You Help Me
With My Next Film?
"... if you work for a bank, a brokerage firm or an insurance company — or if you have seen things or heard things that you believe the American people have a right to know — please contact me at bailout@michaelmoore.com."
– Michael Moore
'Spill the Beans'
"You have information that the American
people need to hear."
As for how I knew this little piece of information, I hate to admit that I found it via a(noter) nasty comment over on the latest-version of the voy.com HATER's board.
Maybe they'll DO something about this??? -- talkonline, 21:14:03 02/04/09 Wed [1]
Division of Consumer Affairs
Press Release
Attorney General
Anne Milgram Division of Consumer Affairs, Director
David Szuchman
For Immediate Release:
February 4, 2009 For Further Information Contact:
Jeff Lamm, 973-504-6327
Attorney General Investigating Ticket Sales for Springsteen Concert
NEWARK - The Office of the Attorney General and the Division of Consumer Affairs are investigating Monday's sale of Bruce Springsteen concerts tickets after consumers complained about problems they encountered during attempted online purchases.
“Consumers are questioning what transpired and if they had an equal opportunity to purchase these concert tickets. We share these concerns and are investigating this matter,” Attorney General Anne Milgram said.
More than 250 consumer complaints have been received as of midday today. The Division of Consumer Affairs has placed an icon labeled “Bruce Springsteen/Ticketmaster Complaints” on its main web page for consumers to link to an online complaint form. The Division's web page is located at http://www.njConsumerAffairs.gov
Consumer Affairs investigators will review submitted complaints to determine how the online sales process was conducted and whether any violations of the state's Consumer Fraud Act or ticket resale law occurred.
About that PSA... -- talkonline, 06:37:22 02/04/09 Wed [1]
OK, they finally got me to visit the Adopt Us Kids website.
The Ads are cute-the ones where they say that you don't have
to be perfect to help a child or teenager who needs a home,
bla bla bla.
This is the link to the 171 children in NJ who are
waiting-for a safe & secure home. Many of them are siblings
that would prefer to stay together. Some of them have
disabilities and/or conditions that would require keeping-up
with special medical routines, and/or advocating the
educational system on their behalf's so they get the best
educational advantages available.
Anyhow-here's the link--->WARNING! THERE ARE PHOTOS & STORIES POSTED FOR 171 REAL HUMAN CHILDREN IN NJ. THIS IS NOT PET-FINDER. SOMEONE WHO LOVES THESE CHILDREN POSTED SUMMARIES, and you will not get-through looking-at these children and reading their stories without crying.
That's a link to an article about The POPE re-instating a Bishop who was previously exCommunicated, (by a POPE), because this Bishop denies that The Holocost happened.
What does this mean????
Catholics need to address this imo. Maybe if six million of us each sent a yellow-star to Rome, they would get the idea?
YAY! -- talkonline, 17:43:22 01/20/09 Tue [1]
See? That wasn't so bad was it? (except for Ted Kennedy), but can you imagine such excitement if anyone else had become POTUSA? I can't.
And you know, I WAS RIGHT! Other countries are already starting to like us a little bit more, since we have now proven that AMERICANS can break-the-mold & stop electing white men only.
Locally, all we have to do now is elect STEVE LONEGAN for Governor, (http://www.lonegan.com/Home.aspx), and I predict that NJ will survive.
If we don't elect LONEGAN, I'm sorry to say that I don't think NJ will survive. What the politicians crooks don't steal, the illegal aliens will take, so he's our only chance, and, he wants the job!
posting this story-for the truth -- talkonline, 08:08:43 12/12/08 Fri [1]
It took FORTY YEARS for this story to come out. The man's family says he was treated like an "alley cat", I think he was treated like garbage. And murdered, like many organ "donors". May God rest his soul.
Last update - 04:39 12/12/2008
40 years after Israel's first transplant, donor's family reveals dark secret
By Dana Weiler-Polak, Haaretz Correspondent
Tags: israel news, health
For the medical profession, last week's 40th anniversary of Israel's first successful heart transplant was a festive occasion. But for one family, it brought back bitter memories - because the transplanted heart, according to the donor's family, was obtained through deceit and trickery.
Avraham Sadegat arrived at Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva in December 1968 after suffering a stroke. According to his wife, Ofra, the doctors said he was doing well, but later a nurse asked her not to stay the night. "I asked a lot of questions about Avraham's situation, but the doctors answered tersely, evasively. They averted their heads, they almost wouldn't look me in the eyes."
The next day, Ofra said, she was once again told that Avraham was doing well, but that she should not stay the night. Then, when she arrived the following day, she discovered that he had been transferred to intensive care. "We kept asking questions, but no one answered."
A few hours later, doctors told her and Avraham's brother that he had died. At the same time, they heard about the transplant, but gave it no thought.
When Avraham's brother asked to see the body, the hospital refused. However, he insisted and the doctors finally gave in. The body was completely covered in bandages, "which didn't jive with a stroke, so he unwrapped the bandages, and was shocked to see the upper body empty: Instead of internal organs, there were bandages that had been stuffed inside to fill the space," Ofra said.
"They treated him like an alley cat," she said tearfully. "From the moment he entered the hospital, they apparently saw him only as a potential source of organs and not as a man in need of treatment. They only thought about how to do the deed without us knowing."
It took a few hours before the family connected the state of the body with the historic transplant. Then, they began asking questions - but the hospital insisted that Sadegat's heart had not been used.
The family then applied to three cabinet ministers, demanding to know why the heart had been taken without their consent. They did not ask for compensation; they simply wanted to know the truth.
The affair aroused a media storm, but the hospital continued to stick to its denial. Only weeks later did it finally give in and admit that Sadegat's heart had been used. But it made this admission only after the family signed a document promising not to sue.
In response, Beilinson noted it had abided by the law in force at that time, which allowed organs to be harvested without the family's consent. That is also what then-health minister Israel Barzilai told the Knesset on December 25, 1968
~Happy Holiday+Season's Greetings!~ -- talkonline, 19:36:59 12/09/08 Tue [1]
Is everybody feeling the Holiday Spirit yet?
I am-so I thought I'd pop-in here and send Season's Greetings to anybody who still stops-by and checks this page.
Maybe next-year I'll DO SOMETHING about this board???
(maybe not???)
In any event, to everyone who visits this board, and listens-to LOCAL TALK RADIO, and espescially those people who TALK & keep the talkers TALKING on LOCAL TALK RADIO!.....hope you all have a great Holiday Season whatever you celebrate, Merry Christmas, and great wishes for a Happy New Year!
This is supposed to piss us off I guess? -- talkonline, 18:47:04 11/07/08 Fri [1]
This end-the-bailout dot COM site, says that 86% of the bailout Billions is going straight to executive bonuses.
Since I'm not an executive, I really wouldn't know, but if this is true, how can people not be shocked about this?
Like I said, I have NOT fact-checked this information, but even the fact that someone is claiming that something like this is happening, needs to be investigated in my opinion.
If it IS true?? Well, it should be prevented in my opinion, and I read the revised bailout bill, and that bill promised that "unjust enrichment" such as this would NOT occur.
Hot Rumor from Delaware -- talkonline, 18:33:14 09/29/08 Mon [1]
Has anyone else heard the rumor that OBAMA will announce that BIDEN is stepping-down, and that HILLARY is VP-candidate????
Keep-up the GOOD WORK LoBIONDO!! -- talkonline, 16:03:50 09/29/08 Mon [1]
WoW! LoBiondo can count himself IN as one-of the Bail-out "NO"-voters!
AND....I LIKE what he's been saying on LOCAL TALK RADIO! about the Bailout. (He's been saying what he's been hearing from his constutients! And, what we've been thinking, like the Bailout is a desperate money-grab by people who have already done way-too-much grabbing!
Now, if LoBIONDO can only stay tough, he will be my new hero!
FREE MIDNIGHT MOVIE from Michael Moore -- talkonline, 18:55:20 09/22/08 Mon [1]
Subject: Join Me in Making History ...from Michael Moore
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 03:37:07 -0400
This is it. The time has arrived! At midnight tonight, you can be one of the first people ever to legally download, for FREE, a brand new, feature-length film. It's my new movie, 'Slacker Uprising,' and I'm giving it to you as a gift of thanks for coming to my films over the 20 years I've been a filmmaker.
It's also one of my contributions to help get out the vote November 4th. That's why I'm giving you my blanket permission to not only download it, but also to email it, burn it, and share it with anyone and everyone (in the U.S. and Canada only). I want you to use 'Slacker Uprising' in any way you see fit to help with the election or to do the work that you do in your community. You can show my film in your local theater, your high school classroom, your college auditorium, your church, union hall or community center. You can have your friends and neighbors over to the house for a viewing. You can broadcast it on TV, on cable access, on regular channels or on the web. It's completely free -- I don't want to see a dime from this. And if you want, you can charge admission or ask for a donation if it's to raise money for a candidate, a voter drive, or for any non-profit or educational purpose. In other words -- it's yours!
'Slacker Uprising' chronicles the 62-city tour I did leading up to the 2004 election. It is electrifying to see the tens of thousands of young people who were ready then for the uprising -- and who, this year, are actually making it happen. This is my concert film tribute to the young voters who are going to save this country from four more years of Republican rule.
There are a number of ways, beginning at midnight tonight, that you can download or stream 'Slacker Uprising' thanks to our distributor, Brave New Films:
1) Blip.tv will provide standard resolution streaming, free of commercials and advertising.
2) Amazon Video on Demand will provide a high quality version of the above stream.
3) iTunes will make it easy for you to download 'Slacker Uprising' on your iTunes, iPod, or Apple TV, and view it there or transmit it to your television. This way, the film can be portable as well as for home viewing.
4) Hypernia is providing bandwidth, servers and management to host 'Slacker Uprising' online, so you can download the film and view it at any time or burn it onto a DVD.
I am fortunate to have all these great people bringing you my movie for free. There will be no ads and they have all agreed to supply their services free of charge. All of them wanted to be part of this historic moment when the first major feature-length movie is being released for free on the internet.
(For those of you who don't download, there will be a low-cost DVD available.)
This past Thursday we held the world premiere of 'Slacker Uprising' in Ann Arbor (you can read about it here). The response was incredible and I want to encourage you to screen this movie with large groups. I believe it will inspire our get-out-the- vote efforts at a time when we need to get millions registered in the next two weeks.
Thanks again for all your support over the years. I hope you'll like my new film. It's all yours, anytime after midnight tonight. Enjoy!
Michael Moore
MMFlint@aol. com
SlackerUprising. com
MichaelMoore. com
P.S. I'll be doing a live chat, tonight at 11:00 PM ET, on Daily Kos, in the hour countdown leading up to the internet release of my film. Hope to see you online!
more very sad news -- talkonline, 09:43:04 06/20/08 Fri [1]
BARBARA ALTMAN is not on-the-air today because her beloved Daughter-in-law has passed-away.
Of course I am saddened that BARBARA and her family are grieving right now, but, since BARBRA has always shared her family with her listening audience, and we have to come to hear about the milestones and events of her family throughout the years on THE FRONT PORCH, and stories about the exciting-moments, and some of the silly-stories...
well, even-though I have never met BARBARA'S Daughter-in-Law, she is part of our "RADIO-FAMILY", and she will be missed.
Right now I am getting ready to celebrate a BIG! Graduation in my family, along-with other people celebrating Weddings and happy-times, and it is an especially sad time for the ALTMAN'S, right now.
I have been remembering BARBARA'S celebrations of the past, and I will be remembering THE ALTMANS while we celebrate, and praying for them to get-through this and to see more happy celebrations in the future.
...Nice Message for a change -- talkonline-ha ha ha, no one else has the password/sorry!, 17:03:17 06/17/08 Tue [1]
(sorry no replies can be posted at this time)
Ok, so to try and change the trend of bad and sad items posted here lately, I am loving the English Creek Dentists at the Shop-Rite Plaza in ENGLISH CREEK, near the all-you-can-eat, SHARON ZANG (sp?) BUFFET...more & more lately.
I first heard about them on WOND. YES, they do take emergencys, and no-appointment is necassary, they usually can take you the same day!!
Thier work is outstanding! I have now had several family members go there and even with different dentists, there has been no problem, and one was a second-opinion.
The second-opinion was for what another dentist wanted to do a root canal, and this one said "maybe not", and it turned-out NOT!
I have been amazed at the skill level of every dentist that we have seen there so far. I'm not sure exactly why this group of dentists is superior than many of the other dentists we have seen in the area, but they are.
I would recommend calling them if you need help with your teeth or even for a check-up!
Also, for your sweet tooth, and luckily I still have one, RITA'S WATER ICE in MARGATE had a sign today that said "Buy One Get One Free Medium or Large WATER ICE"--WoW!
And they have a flavor that I'll be trying soon called "BIRTHDAY CAKE"-(water ice), it appears to be vannilla-ishy/cakee flavored and it looks interesting.
Only BAD news here?? -- talkonline, 09:58:33 06/10/08 Tue [1]
Hmmmm. I have something ELSE to post about here, and it is more BAD information. Is this some kind of trend????
Anyhow, in the continuing trend of posting BAD, or SAD, messages, it has come to my attention that, once AGAIN, our LOCAL AREA, meaning ATLANTIC COUNTY, is hearing about more and more cases of BRAIN CANCER, and THIS TIME, it is even worse because the 3 cases that I have heard about lately, in the DOWNBEACH, (VENTNOR/MARGATE), area, are CHILDREN.
ONE of the LOCAL youngsters has passed-away.
(not the little girl from MARGATE who they just had a fund-raiser for).
This has been going-on here for at least the past 20 years, yet I have not heard anything about any investigations for what looks to me like an unusual number of a rare cancer in an area, otherwise called a "cluster", of cases of the same kind-of cancer, or more than what would normally be expected in a population area.
???????? -- talkonline, 11:36:56 06/07/08 Sat [1]
99.3 THE BUZZ FM is no more. Big mistake. Biggest mistake in LOCAL RADIO I have EVER seen around here.
Another mistake they made was calling the new format "KISS", since there are other FM stations with the same name in the listening area.
The move was supposedly a "panic response" (to quote RADIOINSIDER.COM)to the recent sale of ACCESS ONE Stations.
That makes no sense, since none of the stations sold had anything close to what THE BUZZ had.
I am truly in shock about this one.
I've heard of dumb RADIO moves before, but this one takes the cake as they say.
THE BUZZ was no slouch in the RATINGS either.
So what the heck???
I'm not sure about this, but rumour has it that all of the PERSONEL/human-beings were also dropped, and that the station is now computer-automised.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- talkonline, 14:07:33 05/26/08 Mon [1]
It has come to my attention that something horrible is happening in ATLANTIC CITY.
I heard about Bodies: The Exhibition on PINKY'S show, and then saw images from the traveling mutilated corpse-show on THE PRESS's website.
There is currently legislation that would prevent bodies who have not given permission to be displayed, but it has not yet been passed. In New Jersey, Representative CHRIS SMITH is one of the sponsors.
Not only have the former owners or their families not given permission, which the show promoters make no secret about, using the euphimisim "unclaimed" (bodies), but there is a very real possibility that the bodies on display were murdered for the very purpose of starring in this exhibit.
20/20 did a report on this company in February,and a follow-up as mentioned in THE PRESS.
Personally, I have no problem with anybody who wants to give permission for his/ or her dead body and/or organs to be used in any way they wish, but I sure do have a problem
with political prisoners from China, being murdered because someone else wants to use his/ or her body and/ or body-parts without his/ or her permission.
This goes beyond emminent domain!
The owners of the company that sponsors the exhibition have been quoted as saying that they are willing to help in an investigation about WHO? the bodys really are.
The exhibit at the TAJ, in my opinion, is a crime-scene, and the corpses are evidence.
I think DNA should be examined, and relatives should be found.
From what I understand, many of the bodies are from (formerly) healthy young people from China.
Family members were forbidden by law to "claim" the bodies, and that is why they are labeled, "unclaimed", and yes, it is all perfectly "legal" according to law in China.
It is also legal to kill prisoners because someone else paid to have his/ or her kidneys.
The bodys in this exhibit have been obtained by way of police in China, that has also been established.
If I lived in China, I would probably be a political prisoner, and so would YOU, just for visiting THIS message.
Did anyone at The TAJ, consider the effect that this exhibit would have on ASIAN employees or customers?
I am not ASIAN, but it makes me sick, to think about how I would feel if it were my relative's body being used like that.
NO POSTING ALLOWED 'TILL FURTHER NOTICE -- talkonline, 16:48:46 02/25/08 Mon [1]
OK-the links are on but the board is off. The board just degenerated too far and focused too much on the fans & not-fans of one certain topic.
It was too tedious of a job to try and weed-out/delete/remove...all mention of that topic because it was so pervasive here, so in order to save at least the links, I made ALL past messages invisable.
(that was not so easy either, btw)
Removing all mention of the disputed topic was the only option because the other option would have been for me to try and apply some standards/ and or judgement to every single message about that topic, which was just too time-consuming,mind-boggling, and, most of the messages about that topic were garbage anyhow......but, as anyone who has visited this board knows and as I already mentioned, the over-done topic was slimed & spammed and woven into just about every discussion, and constantly spammed again.
My future plans for this board right now are to leave the links up for anyone who needs them, and to update that portion of the board. (fix old links/add new ones etc.)
As far as posting, I don't know if or when that option will be available.
The real reason Spirit is cancelling the Vegas run? -- Elle, 08:06:16 01/03/08 Thu [4]
Anybody else th ink their reasons ring hollow? Political pressure to end the exodus of people from this area to a gambling town that offers so much more than AC? Plus it had always been a great hub for flying from west coast to here and now there is some route that takes you thru Hades also known as Atlanta - the WORST airport in the US!