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Subject: Zidane The Mysterious

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Date Posted: 17:23:32 12/19/03 Fri
In reply to: Tawny 's message, "Slyvan Tyriavn" on 20:02:44 12/18/03 Thu

Aurie felt his muscles spasm.
"What's wrong with me,"he thought out loud.
"What...what's wrong Aurie?"Zidane asked.Aurie ignored Zidane question.
"How did you know,Zidane?"Aurie asked as they began to follow Mikoto again.It was early night.
Zidane's eye grew dark and shdowing as he stared at Aurie,"Know what?"
"That I'm Auron..."Aurie said softly.
Zidane gave a little laugh,"I have my ways!"
Suddenly Zidane bumped into Mikoto and Aurie bumped into Zidane.Zidane looked for what Mikoto was staring at.It was a fire,and Zidane recognized some voices.
"AURON!YUNA!"Zidane shouted.Yuna gave a jump,then relized who said her name.She started there way.Mikoto started hers.Aurie suddenly grabbed Zidane's shoulder and pulled him away.
"Look.Auron told me what the deal was.I begged him.Then I told him if he wasn't going to tell me we weren't working like a team and I would go off on my own.I must've scared him pretty bad,because he told me,"Zidane explained.Zidane pulled his shoulder out of Zidane's hands and went off to greet the others.
"What happened to you,Zidane?Where's Aurie?Who are you?"Yuna started shooting off questions,then her eyes settled on Mikoto.Mikoto told Yuna her name.
"Don't worry,Mikoto is my 'sister'"Zidane said softly.
Zidane and Mikoto are brother and sister.But...Zidane said he never had a mother to start with.Wait...that's not possible.Everyone has to have a mom.Zidane you are mysterious...

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Lulu and Vivi, at last!Tawny13:08:42 12/22/03 Mon

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