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Subject: abortion

growing (uncomfortable)
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Date Posted: 08:06:20 08/26/07 Sun

Please, bear with me I talk too much.

I had my third abortion 15 days ago. I am posting this message because I am changing and need help navigating these uncharted territories.

Bulletin: I am 21 days shy of 30 years of age.

For the past decade, I thought: at this stage in my life, if I were to become pregnant, I would definitely have the baby.

I came to this conclusion ten years ago. When I was a 19-year-old-college student and found out I was pregnant, abortion was the obvious choice for me. Complete and utter ignorance as well as a lack of responsibility resulted in an immediate pregnancy six months later. I felt no guilt about either, just remorse and a strong sense of responsibility. I vowed to never be in the unwanted pregnancy position again.

For the past ten years, I practiced the safest sex possible, next to celibacy, for several reasons:

1)Because of my own childhood, I have always wanted to bring a child into the world under the best conditions possible; parents deeply committed to family (including each other); spiritual, emotional and financial stability

2)I did not care to alter my lifestyle and career for a child and

3)I never wanted to have an abortion again because I felt it was wrong.

Midway into my 20's, submerged in my career, I realized just how important family and living out your life's passion was to me.

Last year, I finally worked up the courage to make a career change and pursue my dreams. I was fired.

To date, I have been unemployed for over a year.

I made huge life changes and sacrifices, including buying a more economical car and moving in with my mother (whom I currently live with, Yuck!). It's been tough but I believe in the reward.

While, deciding to make these changes, I was in an emotionally unsupported relationship. Needless to say, it ended.

Earlier this year, I began dating, the beautiful man, an acquaintance of seven years and friend of three, I intend to spend the rest of my life with. We began making plans for our life together. He left his job in which he traveled 90% out of the month to move closer to our future.

Shortly thereafter, I learned I was pregnant.

I didn't miss a beat... I immediately thought... Abortion.

How surprising! Seriously. "But I want to have children", I thought. With him! "Why, then, is my first thought, abortion?"

I talked it over with my boyfriend and learned he was adamantly against abortion. He considered it amoral.

This was not our first conversation about abortion. He knew about my abortions in the past and my desire for a family. We had also discussed my actions in the event a pregnancy occurred between us. Naturally, I would have the baby. After all, we were starting a life and a family together.

He was hurt by my decision to abort and viewed it as weak and an obvious display of my distrust in him. What?!

Later conversations with trusted friends allowed him to open his mind to this choice as one which was uniquely mine and was not a reflection of him or our relationship.

I know that this is hard for him and that he has emotional issues related to this abortion that are difficult for him to understand or control. I knew that he, unlike me, might never get pass this decision. And I knew that the survival of our relationship might hinge on my decision.

I gave it four weeks before committing to the abortion.

Ultimately, I concluded it was the best decision for me, considering my financial state.

Afterwards, I knew what to expect from my body but was caught off guard by my emotions.

I am a mess.

I feel like a horrible person who doesn't deserve any goodness in my life. My boyfriend is so affected he is unable to be his usually affectionate self with me because he admittedly doesn't feel "as in love with me". And, one of my closest friends called to give me the good news; she and her husband are three months pregnant with their second child. I was perfectly jealous! I wish I could go back, not just 15 days but to whenever I started to change my mind about the conditions of accepting the responsibilities of my actions, i.e.: pregnancy yields baby. I cry inconsolably and find it difficult to sleep. Normally, a confident person, I feel insecure and unsure of myself, especially with regard to my relationship.

How does a relationship survive this? Is there anything I can do? Should I just give him time to heal?

I am scared things won't get better?

I feel as though, I lack faith.

I know this may sound trivial to people saying they miss their babies and I hope I don't offend anyone. But I don't think of their birthdays or their eyes. I'm sorry, I just don't feel that way because I know I made the best decision for us. Us, the family that we will have.

Why, then, do I feel so guilty? How do I find peace with my decision and hope for my future? How do I regain my strength and confidence?

I am so sorry that I have mouthed off uncontrollably but I needed to vent and to others who possibly share my experience. If there is anyone out there who cares to positively respond, I would greatly appreciate hearing from you.

Thank you... Growing

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[> Subject: Re: abortion

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Date Posted: 08:36:29 08/29/07 Wed

Dear Growing,

I have mulled over a response to your post here for a day +. I think I see some things that come through your comments, but I don't know that you would want to recieve any insights from me at this point, in all honesty. Many times I think we already know the answers to our questions, it's just that the pain is too difficult to bear, so we ignore it until we're able to deal with it. (I hope that makes sense to you).

You ask:

Why, then, do I feel so guilty? How do I find peace with my decision and hope for my future? How do I regain my strength and confidence?

Do you really want to know? I have answers for you -but you really want to be open minded and ready to recieve what I have to say.

I too, want you to find peace, hope, strength and confidence, and I know the source for all of these gifts, and I would be happy to share it with you - IF you are indeed ready for the answers.

Hugs, Kris
[> [> Subject: Re: abortion

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Date Posted: 01:09:20 09/01/07 Sat

Yes,I would like to hear your honest response. I am very open minded.
[> [> Subject: Re: abortion

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Date Posted: 13:52:28 09/01/07 Sat

Dear Growing,

All of us are born with a need inside to be loved and to love. We search for it - and we try to find it in people or things. The truth is, that emptiness so many feel, is from that lack of true love. The love we seek and can't fulfill from material things or from people. Now, there is love for one another that we can gain comfort from I do believe. However, this other "unconditional" love we need and crave only comes from one source. That source is our Creator - the one true God that made the universe. His Son, Jesus is the key to finding that true unconditional love.

The bible tells us that if we repent (turn from) our sins, Jesus is faithful and able to forgive us our sins. Finding forgiveness is what you are really seeking and true forgiveness lies in Jesus Christ. Once you repent, you will feel the burdens lift from you, there is freedom in forgiveness. Then there is a love that washes over you and gives you peace beyond all understanding.

If you have a bible, you can look up verses that are referenced at this site:


You don't have to - as everything is there, but please take some time to look over this site.

I truly believe that you will only find TRUE peace, hope, and strength in Jesus Christ.

If you choose to believe me, great - if not - it's truly only up to you, and I'm not trying to force anything on you. Just pray, take the chance, and see what happens.



[> Subject: Re: abortion

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Date Posted: 23:08:51 09/10/07 Mon

I am also post abortive. My abortion happened while I was in my teens, but I managed to repress the thought of it for 33 years. All of those years I went through the emotions that you are describing, but I had so thoroughly repressed my abortion that I didn't know why I was a mess.
When the "veil came down", I was in a "safe" place to face it. Even though, the realization was devastating. I read all I could read about the after affects of abortion and the pieces of the puzzle came together.

Your beloved's first feelings about abortion were correct,
he feels awful, not only because of his lost fatherhood, but because he listened to the lies of his so called friends who told him that the decision was yours alone.

A woman who has had an abortion in the past, feels an insidious compulsion to have a repeated abortion. She will do this because she believes she is not worthy to become a mother, "after what she has done". So, she will set herself up.

In most cases, the couple who has had an abortion will break up. But in your case, I believe that your relationship has a very good chance. The fact that you have written to this board and expressed your feelings, which ar VERY REAL and AUTHENTIC, indicates your desire to
know the truth, even though a huge part of you is still fighting it. Your beloved will face the truth with you, I believe. It is important that you face the truth about abortion, what it is, what it has done to your child and to each of you and to your relationship. You have all experienced a terrible loss. But once you realize that, healing is possible. I pray with all of my heart that you and your beloved will embark on the healing journey. It is a counter-cultural journey, but you have already learned that the perfectionistic "gotta have it all together" culture that we have created is a false promise.
The good news is that objective truth exists and gives us real hope. The courage to face this truth, which respects the dignity of life in all of its ages and strengths and weaknesses, is the first step. The good news is that once we embark on this journey, which is never ending, because Truth is infinite, we know that we are seeking the right track, and that track is not going to be pulled out from under our feet. Your suffering is very real and the suffering of your beloved is very real. Your relationship has suffered. I am praying with all of my heart that you will find healing together, that you will find the Truth that will set you free, and help you continue living your lives consecrated in truth, which is an ongoing journey through all of eternity, where you will meet your precious little ones again.



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