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Subject: wothlessness

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Date Posted: 17:57:33 05/06/06 Sat

I will start like most of the woman have started. I had an abortion jan32006.
i was 33, which adds to my guilt. what a way to start the new year. my boyfriend of 1 1/2 years didn't want kids but i always had, ever since my first abotion in 1996, something i still haven' gotten over. I told him of the after effects but i suppose he thought i could handle them. he told me we would get married, and plan a family and adopt if we had to. ( i have some femaile issues and that might of been it for me.) I am a strong and resielent gal he says. The first clinic he took me too not even a week after he heard the news was filled with protestors, i found the courage to walk out. He was upset with me and told me to think about what i had done. The next think i remember was going to the emergency room because i was having cramps, Which i found our was normal. The baby was fine. But i wasn't. I knew in order to keep my boyfriend i had to go through with killing my child, benjerman, was his name. I knew it ws a boy. I always thought i could do it be a single mom, cause i knew he was not going to be there for us for long, but i had hope. 3 days later he took me to another clinic a much more personable one. and thanks to a valium my mom gave me, (she didn't even try to talk me out of it) and all the other sedatives they give you, i put my life, benjermans, life, my future happyness into the hands of a man, whom i thought would love me forever because of this sacrife. He stayed around for about a couple more weeks, and then it got ugly. i found him after a party he threw with out me, and i went insane, smashing things, breaking things, and screaming. lost of screaming, He hit me (to protect himself) and then the cops got involved. i am not like that normally, it was the after effects i now it, but they jsut keep coming. i ended up going to jail. not twenty days after the... well you know... I am on medication now, cigerettes, and alchol, but nothing works, we have not seen or spoken to each other since, that was jan 22, 2006. all the charges have been dropped, but i am not well. I hurt and have huge anxeity attacks now that are debilitating. i quit my job, can't leave my house, for fear. fear of everything. I feel less a person, less a woman, less a friend, and everyone thinks i am fine. i am a good actress. but i am scared that this will never go away. i have lost everything and i sleep with a wooden heart that i held in my hand the whole time they were doing the procedure.
Benferman, i am a failure as a mother, as a woman, as a person. This is the first time i have spoken to anyone about this. something has got to give.i am not getting any better. and worry that i never will.
please, a kind word, a harsh word, any kind of word from somebody that can relate. i used to teach children acting, but i can't be around kids, and now even mothers, or suvs with soccer balls attached, TV shows. I am a prisoner now in my own house. alone. and scared that i will never be whole again.

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[> Subject: Re: wothlessness

Mary Binder
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Date Posted: 22:44:53 05/10/06 Wed

Dear Sara,

I'm sorry you are hurting. There is help,hope,healing and forgiveness. You need to get help now or your symptoms may get worse and cause you continued problems. Many women, including myself have suffered with post abortion stress syndrom to include grief, depression, anger, sadness, etc..
I want you to go to these web sites and get help so you don't have to suffer for years like I did before I knew there was help. If you want to talk more you can email me at mjschoettle@aol.com The web sites are www.operationoutcry.org www.afterabortion.org www.hopemonument.com

Lots of Love,


[> Subject: Re: wothlessness

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Date Posted: 13:36:16 08/02/06 Wed

This anxiety and fear that you are experiencing right now is severe depression. There are support groups out there that will listen to you and not judge you at all. All we ever have to do is ask God for forgiveness. He never ever leaves your side, just reach out and he is there. Ask him to lead you in the right direction to heal from this horrific pain. I locked away my pain 18 yrs ago and it come to surface 17 yrs later. So, in the last year I have been struggling with a abusive relationship, heavy drinking, felt that I had no self worth. But, God has awakened me and once I repented and asked for forgiveness, he has lead me to helping other women that have been through abortion. I left my email address if you would like to talk some more. Pray, He will help you through this. God Bless.

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