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Subject: Re: Unforgivable

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Date Posted: 09:34:03 11/13/06 Mon
In reply to: sarina 's message, "Unforgivable" on 15:47:53 11/12/06 Sun

Dear Sarina,

Please go to this site and look at the info here:


This is also an excellent site to check out:


The thing to keep in mind is that you are not alone. Many women are walking in your shoes. You are starting in the right direction - reaching out - and expressing your emotions. It's really important for you to talk about how your feeling and work that all out. I found your post to be extremely mature considering your age & all. You do express yourself very well.

I'm very sorry for the pain you are going through and for how things are going with your family. I'm sure they are hurting too - hopefully they can also find a way to heal from it all.

I live in Texas also - a small town outside of Austin.

An abortion really isn't too much different from any other kind of loss, and you will need to allow yourself to grieve your loss in order to move. Grieving is a process without time limits - you don't just get over a loss in a certain time frame - some people take shorter or longer times - so don't be too hard on yourself when you're grieving again time to time. It's important that you do allow yourself to grieve though, and it's good your expressing that grief in a healthy way.

Hang in there -


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[> Subject: Re: Unforgivable

Mary Binder
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Date Posted: 10:19:12 11/16/06 Thu


First I want to say I am sorry for your loss of your child. I know what you are going through as I too had an abortion at 17 years old. There is hope, healing and forgiveness through the LOVE of Jesus Christ. I would like to talk to you more privatly so would you send me your email address. Don't feel alone I am here to help you okay.
My email address is mjschoettle@aol.com

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