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Subject: Re: Unforgivable

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Date Posted: 22:20:21 12/03/06 Sun
In reply to: sarina 's message, "Unforgivable" on 15:47:53 11/12/06 Sun


I can't believe how much I feel exactly how you're feeling. I wrote a message also "This Pain Wont Go Away". I'm 23 yrs old and had my abortion last Feburary. As sorry as I am that you had to go through everything you did, in a way I'm glad that I've read your message because I feel like I'm not the only one who feels this way. I feel regret that I have aborted my baby everyday and yet I know that I wasn't ready to be a mother. I think about my baby every single day and think about how my life would be like if I had it. The baby would have been about a year and 3mnths now. I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanna hear but I dont think that feeling will ever go away. I found a website too http://www.safehavenministries.com/ and found out that I too have PAS. It was a relief to know that there's actually a reason and a name for what I am feeling. But I'm too scared to go find out about getting help or counseling somewhere near me. I am still with my boyfriend, but like you said, he has no idea what I feel like and what I went through. Its sucha easy decision for them to say "we cant keep it" and move on, but they dont have to go through the process and the emotion that we still go through til this day. And I feel like I have no one else to talk to about this. My parents have no idea and I dont plan on telling them. As much difficulty you had telling your parents, I'd admire you for doing it. And admire you more for still being able to talk to your ex about it as well. I mentioned it once more after the abortion to my bf and feel like he just doesn't understand and doesn't really comprehend what truly happened to me.

I just want to thank you for writing that message because you really made me feel like I'm not the only one out there going through this and I've really wanted to have someone to speak with. I've had people say the same thing to me "You'll get pregnant again, you'll get over it" but I just don't feel that yet. I actually went to safehavenministries.com one night and went into one of their chat rooms. I felt alil akward at first bc I cant even talk to my bf and here I am talking to these strangers, but Im glad I did bc theres a trained consultant in there everynight. The one I spoke with is there Tuesday nights and she had an abortion herself so she was able to answer certain questions Ive had and different concerns. You might want to try it out if you have any questions of your own.

But like i said, I'm really glad that I read your message and if you do need someone to talk to about anything please let me know bc I wouldnt mind talking to someone either.


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[> Subject: Re: Unforgivable

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Date Posted: 22:53:31 12/05/06 Tue

Hi. I know exactly how you feel, last year when i was 17 i got pregnant, i went ot my scan and saw my baby. The doctor told me the heartbeat only started a few days beforehand. But i still went ahead with the abortion. Everyday i just wish i could have my baby back, just to be pregnant again, to turn back time. Im still with my boyfriend and it hurts to know that he doesnt feel sad for the baby we got rid of, he only feels sad for me and the way i feel.

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