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Date Posted: 11:04:52 05/01/03 Thu
Author: A MacHine
Author Host/IP: cache1-herm.server.ntli.net /
Subject: "Can I take your order please?"

"Can I take your order please?" squarked either Lucy or Ria, I know not which when I clicked on the FFR site. Actually it could have been Martin, judging by the tightness of his PVC trousers! I was tempted to respond immediately with an expletive or two, but managed to restrain myself (Well done, me). After finding my sunglasses, a prerequisite for all who visit the FFR site, I looked at the ironically titled "Fun and Games" section, which contained neither fun nor games!!! What it did contain was an interesting set of lyrics that took 6 people to write apparently!!!..., and a host of pictures promoting primary colours and PVC. Following that treat, I sat back and thought about the initial question posed at the beginning.

"Yes you can take my order, missy". What I would really like is Mike to do what he does best. Not writing commercial pop, but writing great pop tunes that have integrity that become commercial hits. There is a difference i.e. Kylie and Rick Astley were great pop, Big Fun and Sonia were commercial pop.

In the FFR track there is no human relationship, nothing where one can say "yeah, I feel like that". It maybe fun, but is it good pop music. The Reynolds Girls, although a fun song, had a great underlying message within it, providing a critique on the radio culture of the 1980s. You could understand the song. Just flicking through the song lyrics for Scooch you realise how talented Mike is. Tracks like "The Best IS Yet To Come" and "More Than I Needed To Know" have great lyrics. There's a human story in each of them.

I love pop, but I'm afraid that the FFR song may serve to undermine the rejuvination and belief that has gone on in good pop since the end of the '90s. If it's a hit, then good for Mike. I admire him for the success he is and his ability to write some of the best pop ever.

Take care everyone....


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