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Date Posted: 02:13:13 07/17/03 Thu
Author: Nomi the Duke of Ted
Subject: Our Plans

Hey all, just writing a quick message to tell you our new plans!

We have decided that Australia is too expensive, and since we don't have much time or money left, we're going to spend our last month back in Asia. I would love to see more of Australia, but I think I'm going to have to come back another time. We have gotten to see some really cool things while we were here though, so I'm glad we came!

Yesterday we took the "Indian Pacific" train from Sydney to Adelaide- a 24 hour journey! It was pretty neat... we got to see some pretty diverse scenery including some beautiful forested valleys, some outbacky type stuff, and some lovely farm land. We're in Adelaide for tonight, and then tomorrow evening we're catching the train on to Alice Springs. It's too bad we're not in Adelaide for longer, as it's seeming like a pretty cool place.

Once we get to Alice Springs, we are taking off for a 3 night outback camping safari... should be pretty cool! Then we're going to fly back to Sydney (believe or not it's actually the cheapest way to get from Alice Springs to Sydney). The day after we get back to Sydney (which will be the 24th), we're hopping on a plane back to Malaysia! We'll probably head straight up to Bangkok for some cheap clothes shopping, and then explore around for a bit... maybe go back to Ko Pha Ngan for some beach time ;)

Our flight home is booked for the 25th of August, so we'll see you all then!!



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