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Date Posted: 22:45:32 07/17/03 Thu
Author: Mom
Subject: You're missing all the fun!

Hi you two world travelers!

Thanks for the update. Sounds like you have everything worked out now, so you'll still get a good feel of Australia, and yet have that last 'holiday' in Malaysia and Thailand.

Tomorrow, we'll be doing the rest of the packing of the upstairs and main floor. We'll be moving it over this week-end and hope to be living there on Monday or Tuesday. Brock is loaning us his little pick-up truck, and we'll take all that will fit in it, (unless it's too heavy, in which case we'll leave it for the main movers on the 28th). That's what I mean when I say you'll be missing all the fun. Actually, though, we already have most of the stuff from your rooms over there already, though still in boxes.

Liam is crawling so fast now! (Erin says he's a speed demon!) You should see how fast he can go down the hall out towards the front door - what a smart little baby eh? and only just over 7 months. He looks so little crawling along the floor. Erin and I took him down to Cadboro Bay Beach to see the ocean and feel the sand. I think he was overwhelmed by all that big stuff - he looked very seriously around at everything.

Tonight Erin and I took a one night course at Vic West learning to make concrete stepping stones. We used some colorful broken pottery, stones we collected on our trip across Canada, and some of the pretty little shells that I collected when I was in New Zealand. Hopefully, this is the start of my new garden!

I just asked Dad if he had any news. He says to tell you that he was upset because Monday was Bastille Day, and he forgot to storm the Bastille! (I shrug my shoulders . . . - you guys have a nutty Dad)

Nathan is sick today, - maybe a touch of food poisoning - so Erin asks you to send him good thoughts. He had a nice time hiking on the Juan De Fuca trail last weekend, except for the approximately 50 mosquito bites he got.

Wish us a smooth move - as I wish you a great tour of the outback.

Love from Mom (with input from Erin and Bob)

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