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Date Posted: 19:09:07 05/31/01 Thu
Author: Starrsong
Author Host/IP: spider-mtc-td081.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: I think I understand now
In reply to: Morkai 's message, "Re: Ok, guess it's finally time for my 2 cp" on 18:41:35 05/31/01 Thu

OK Morkai - I appreciate you trying to clear things up. I think that you hit the nail on the head right at the end of your post - this could be a WONDERFUL "alliance". I think that our two guilds can be allies. Our combined efforts have accomplished much in the past, and I think we should continue to build that alliance. But, I am VERY convinced that a MERGER is NOT what is best for Hand of Honor. Your idea of what a leader needs to be is quite different from what a number of us want OUR leader to be like. I think you're right - I'm not sure that Nonaame wants to be a leader any more. If that is the case, that's fine... although we will miss him terribly. He should join your guild and let you be his leader, along with any other members who feel that it would be in their best interests. But they can do that without having to merge our two guilds. And, I think I speak for those who do not wish to join your guild, that any of you are more than welcome, at any time, to come group with us for a lot of friendly fun and games! We fight hard and play harder and we like it that way! =)
I truly hope we can resolve all this with grace and honor and that we may continue to enjoy the realtionship we had already begun to forge with you. Hand of Honor could continue to be the "less than uber" guild it is (and many of us love!) and we could have a powerful alliance with Tar Valon, to our mutual benefit.
That is my hope and desire.

Starrsong TurtylHeart

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