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Date Posted: 17:43:37 05/31/01 Thu
Author: Starrsong
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Re: Ok, guess it's finally time for my 2 cp
In reply to: Mac 's message, "Re: Ok, guess it's finally time for my 2 cp" on 16:12:07 05/31/01 Thu

OK - Maybe I don't have a right to say anything because I wasn't there - but I do want to express one thing to you Nonaame. You are EXACTLY the kind of leader that I want in a guild JUST like ours is NOW. I have never been interested in joining a guild that is all about high level raids, where there is a "hard ass" for a leader, where it is all about leveling and militaristic plans and all of the things that you seem to imply this other guild is all about. I am very unhappy that they were invited to an officer's meeting where the idea of merging was going to be presented and considered - and where there were other guild issues that really needed to be aired and discussed. It's like making us hang out our dirty laundry in public. I really don't think that should have happened. And, after speaking to a number of people about the meeting, I have the definate impression that you are totally sold on this merge, Nonaame, even though a large number of your officer's have expressed extreme reservations. From your post above, it sounds like you no longer want to be the leader and, as such, you are seeking other alternatives. If I understood this correctly, then perhaps you need to consider leaving us and joining this other guild.
As for myself, I don't want the type of leader that you say Morkai is - so - I don't want to merge with them. I will stay with HoH and help to make sure it stays the wonderful guild it already is - the same wonderful guild that I joined a few months ago. I don't want to see it become the kind of guild you describe. I don't fault you for wanting to be in a guild like that - I only fault you for insisting that we all join it along with you.

Starrsong TurtylHeart

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