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Date Posted: Tuesday, June 27, 05:11:27pm
Author: JayBee
Subject: Re: Oh! Now that I've actually read the link you provided (r)
In reply to: Nell 's message, "Re: Oh! Now that I've actually read the link you provided (r)" on Tuesday, June 27, 04:33:33pm

Am I making any sense, or just babbling?

Actually, yeah, you're making a lot of sense.

It's funny for me to hear about your experience of feeling somewhat beleaguered as a DON -- I would have thought that having the hammer of canon with which to whomp the heads of critics would have been pretty satisfying. After all, in the series, Paul and Madeline self-destruct rather spectacularly, and Michael (in a sense) wimps out instead of taking on his expected role as hero. It's *Nikita* who steps up and shoulders all that duty and responsibility, and thus in a sense she's the only one who achieves any sort of moral triumph.

But now that you describe the atmosphere in the fandom, as opposed to in canon, I can understand what you're describing.

As someone else pointed out in the thread - even if you don't share tastes in characters or story tropes - you still share being fannish in a largely non-fanish world, and, presumably, both respond powerfully to the source material itself.


Perhaps being introduced to Fandom via a small fandom like LFN was lucky, on my part. I *had* to learn how to get along with HRs, for example, because otherwise I'd only have a handful of people to talk to! In larger fandoms, one can segregate to such an extreme that people don't ever learn to tolerate differences of opinion.

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