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Date Posted: Tuesday, June 27, 04:33:33pm
Author: Nell
Subject: Re: Oh! Now that I've actually read the link you provided (r)
In reply to: JayBee 's message, "Oh! Now that I've actually read the link you provided (r)" on Tuesday, June 27, 02:04:40pm

Yes, and yes again -

That is, on part one - I do think that the fannish reaction to Nikita, my personal OTC - is what I think what is/has been largely bugging me about Paul.

I say that because of the phantom argument I've been having in my head as I watch the show.... is not with *Paul* at all, but with teh utterly non-existent overarcing-LFN-fan who somehow combines two entirely different streams of criticism of my gal Nikita.

I do know that, in practice, the long listing of *Nikita's* flaws, by either the TR or the DOMs - are quite different. But the cumulative affect on a DON, or at least on this DON, has been to experience the two streams sort of melding into one great long diatribe about what is wrong with Nikita - while excusing all sorts of shit from the favored character - Michael for the DOMs, or Paul and Madeline for the TRs.

Which, I think, resulted in my post Season 5 negative reaction to the character who is, undeniably, most similar to Nikita - ie - Paul. Mostly, I suspect, because much of the criticisms of Nikita coming from a lot of the DOMs strike me as ludicrous and utterly free from any tie to canon and so pretty pointless to refute, but the TRs have better arguments. And where the two tend to overlap is on her ability to run Section - that is, both POVs tend to believe that she can't. So focusing on Paul as *he* runs Section may really be part of my reaction to the fans - and not to Paul himself at all....

Am I making any sense, or just babbling?

2. In fact, some of my fondest friends in fandom consistently like characters who "oppose" my own favorites. We can argue with each other (all in fun, of course) and spar good-naturedly from fandom to fandom!

Well - that's been my experience too! As someone else pointed out in the thread - even if you don't share tastes in characters or story tropes - you still share being fannish in a largely non-fanish world, and, presumably, both respond powerfully to the source material itself.

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