Date Posted:Friday, June 30, 11:42:59pm Author: Diane Subject: Re: Yes, and (r) In reply to:
's message, "Re: Yes, and (r)" on Thursday, June 29, 10:14:05pm
Feel free. It's not copyrighted. ;)
It seems throughout fanon that Michael's backstory is always *his* setting off a bomb or bombs killing many people, sometimes family members. In "Half-Life," he didn't deny "they" built bombs, but Michael also said he recognized the bomb in the park as René's work.
Why do we naturally assume pre-Section Michael was a terrorist, a mad bomber, if you will, when it's very likely he wasn't totally clued in on René's ambitious (and perhaps maniacal) agenda? He felt he owed René a debt for taking care of his sister, but that doesn't preclude his recognizing now that René was more than fanatic; possibly a tad psycho.