Author: Elmflower Twinblades [ Edit | View ]
Date Posted: 09:37:49 10/06/06 Fri (
Hey everyone! Yeah, it's been a long time, and I am a horrible person, but I'm back! I have resolved some things, got my life back together, and wish to bring back Emeraldwall Abbey. I decided to just visit today and see how things were. I was so saddened when I realized what had happened to my beloved site. I was so greatly moved while exploring, that I wish to become leader again, even if only for a time to get ya'll back on your feet and a new leader with more time to take care of things.
And, I must express my deepest thanks for those of you who have stuck in there, hoping beyond hope for Emeraldwall Abbey to come back to life. Well, with all of your help, I believe we can do it. So...
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YYYYEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey Elmflower!!! I'm still here and will definitely stick by the "renewed" Emeraldwall! I'm definitely for your being the leader again if there's any dispute, I don't know who, if anyone, the title was handed off to... Anyway, good job, congratulations, and best of luck!!!! (NT) -- Rinn, 14:21:56 10/09/06 Mon
Hiya, Elmflower! It's me, Jess a.k.a Jhara. I had lost the URL for this site... *Blinks.* Wow, it's great to be back. Does anyone know if Areea is still active? I miss her... *The squirrelmaid grins and scuttles off to find Areea's email address (which is buried somewhere in her inbox.)* (NT) -- Jess Willowfwirl Tamastru a.k.a Jhara Saberdance, 06:53:36 10/11/06 Wed
- I don't know, I was wondering about her too. She was one of the 1st I met on this site. (NT) -- Rinn, 14:19:19 10/11/06 Wed
- I wrote her an email, but it was sent back to me with "The following address had permanent fatal errors." *Mumbles.* I would try Areea's other email, but I don't think she uses it anymore. Ah, well. Anyway, Elmflower, what do you want us to do? I think I asked you this via email, but my outbox is a bit dodgy, so: When you update the Barracks, can you list me under Jess instead of Jhara? Thanks. ^.~ (NT) -- Jess/Jhara, 07:22:57 10/12/06 Thu
- hmmmm....maybe she'll see us here. *waves her paws* Areea!!!!! (NT) -- Rinn, 08:27:48 10/12/06 Thu
- Hello? *Echoes.* Anybody here? What do you want us to do, Elmflower? (NT) -- Jess, 10:19:22 10/16/06 Mon
- haha, hey. ...did the hares send any extra food home with you? *grin* (NT) -- Rinn, 14:35:52 10/17/06 Tue
- Hey, sorry for the delay; I'm still awfully busy. Well, if anyone has an active email address for some of the former leaders(listed inside), I would love to have it pretty please. And, we need someone who has been on here when it was active to take care of new members and Mouse Mail. I need new leaders because I'm sure that I won't get all my old ones back.<(inside) -- Elmflower Twinblades, 14:56:59 10/17/06 Tue
- *returns from the kitchen with a mouthful of food* mfff, sorry *swallows* Raro DID come back a few times when I was on earlier, but not for a few months (you probably saw that already on previous posts but it's the best I can offer, sorry) (NT) -- Rinn, 13:11:43 10/18/06 Wed
- Inside... -- Jess/Jhara, 10:10:40 10/19/06 Thu
- *Frowns.* Wait, wasn't Lavender from Fort Liethtalan one of the old leaders? I have an active email address for her... (NT) -- Jess/Jhara, 10:56:06 10/19/06 Thu
- sankin, if you mean you can't get the main page at all, I got it by typing the regular site address. but i didn't get on from yahoo or anything... dunno if this is what you meant though. (NT) -- Rinn, 13:50:52 10/21/06 Sat
I stayed in touch with Lavender, and she gave me several up-to-date email addresses, including Areea's. Lavender was on of my original members, and she will still be here. She says Fort Liethtalon is down the drain, as are many ROC sites. That is another reason I wan tto make this site even BETTER than before. I'm going to need help from EVERYONE, though. Lets wait until we are completely up and running before advertising, but I definitely want the word out sooner or later. (NT) -- Elmflower Twinblades, 15:33:40 10/21/06 Sat
- Oh, goody, Lav's still around. Will she be helping out? Wait, I'll go ask her... Also, when you decide what you want me to do, let me know. (NT) -- Jess, 08:50:29 10/23/06 Mon
- 'Scuse me... testing... (NT) -- Jess, 05:17:42 10/24/06 Tue
- *Looks crestfallen.* Aww. I was hoping to speak to her again. Hey, Elmy, are you still around? (NT) -- Jess W. T., 04:40:23 10/27/06 Fri
I wanted to say hi to her too. (NT) -- Rinn, 09:24:35 10/27/06 Fri
- Hey, I'm still here, I can only get online on weekends though. I'm terribly busy with life and school and activities. Yes, I know that Areea won't be coming back, and neither will Raro. They are both too busy. I need all of you to please spread the word that EWA is coming back, and try your hardest to make it ready. (NT) -- Elmflower Twinblades, 14:22:28 10/27/06 Fri
- Okay, I'll tell some people on DAB. Hey, guess what, I get to spend this weekend home. Whoot. Also, which activities are going to be leaderless? (NT) -- Jess W. T., 05:59:20 10/28/06 Sat
- I'll try to get it on my profile on redwall wikie, but that's that only other online redwall thing I have as of now...sorry 'bout that...if i find anyone I'll tell 'em. (NT) -- Rinn, 13:02:00 11/01/06 Wed
- well, Areea's and Raro's activities will be leaderless so far, I'm not sure what else as of now. I have not heard from Shogga, but I'm hoping that she will hear EWA is back and come back to us. (NT) -- Elmflower Twinblades, 14:44:18 11/03/06 Fri
- *A figure wanders into the abbey, a thick hooded cloak distorting a majority of his figure. The only clues to his identity are a fancy bow and quiver strapped to his back, and his voice as he calls out.* My my, Elm... it certainly has been awhile, mate! It sounds like ye really had a bad time of it for a bit there, or so I've heard. But never fear! Mickle's returned, and things seem to be goin much better for ye, mate! *Mickle throws back the hood of his cloak to show a smiling ferret's face, his eyes twinkling* (NT) -- Mickle Swiftstrike, 14:32:08 11/04/06 Sat
*sticks out paw to shake* 'ello, don't think I've met ya before. I'm Rinnstream Downriver, or Rinn for short. Y'ain't a BAD ferret are ya? *grins* Cos that ain't the way I like t'greet a fellow archer. *she admires his bow* that's a nice 'un, but will it shoot as good as it looks? (NT) -- Rinn, 04:38:42 11/05/06 Sun
- Hiya, Mickle! *A short, scruffy looking red squirrel peers curiously at the newcomer from her sheltered position behind a tree.* I don't b'lieve I've metcha before, but it's nice to see ya anyway. *The maiden grins wickedly, and pulls at her whiskers in an awkward manner.* Heh. Wanna muffin? OOC: Hopefully the EWA can get active again... *Yawns.* I gotta get off the PC. See ya later. ^.^ (NT) -- Jess Willowfwirl Tamastru, 09:43:21 11/06/06 Mon
- *Mickle shakes Rinn's paw nd grins* Oh, I'd watch out, matey... I'm the worst sort o' ferret... *he laughs and winks at her* This bow... is a true masterpiece bow... 'Twas a gift from a squirrel family... finest bowmakers this side of Salamandastron, that they were... *He grins and bows to Jess* A pleasure to meetcha, Squirrellymaid! I'd love a muffin, if I can convince ye to take one o' these bags of candy chestnuts off o' me... *Mickle grins mischievously* (NT) -- Mickle Swiftstrike, 16:01:02 11/06/06 Mon
- Hey, ev'rybody. Sorry, had to nip off t'the galley---er, that is, kitchens--but I've got some strawberry fizz here, if ya aren't too absolutely full t'drink some... *grins* (NT) -- Rinn, 13:59:14 11/10/06 Fri
*Runs up to Mickle and tackles him in a bear hug* Oh Mickle! I missed you something terrible! How have you been, mate? (NT) -- Elmflower Twinblades, 15:45:34 11/12/06 Sun
- (NT) -- ., 15:46:24 11/12/06 Sun
- *Mickle grins as he falls over as Elm tackles him* 'Ello, love. I've been wonderful... Wand'rin and... umm.... liberatin' goods from random passerbyes really tickles me fancy, ye know. *Mickle grins roguishly* but... if ye stay on top o' me like that, Slitty might get a bit jealous, no? *He laughs cheerfully, happy to be back with his oldest friend once again* (NT) -- Mickle Swiftstrike, 17:11:59 11/12/06 Sun
- *sits up and climbs off Mickle then extends her paw to help him up as well* Ah, dear Slitty has nothing to fear, I have my own interest and we are just friends. Besides, I'm a squirrel and you are a ferret. I'm glad you have been well, want to see if the old larder still has some goods? (NT) -- Elmflower Twinblades, 15:18:56 11/20/06 Mon
- *Mickle nudges Elm in the side* Well, m'dear, were ye suggesting we simply waltz in and request some provisions, or were ye advisin' that we attempt to "acquire" provisions without authority-types findin' out? (NT) -- Mickle Swiftstrike, 14:03:06 11/22/06 Wed
- Happy Thanksgiving t'all that celebrate it, and to those that don't, a happy harvest!!! (NT) -- Rinn, 06:53:17 11/23/06 Thu
- *winks at Mickle and looks up and around* Authorities? There are authorities around this old place?(inside, members please.) -- Elmflower Twinblades, 16:03:23 12/04/06 Mon
- Inside, everyone -- Elmflower Twinblades15:31:06 12/12/06 Tue
- hey raro! long time no see! (NT) -- Rinn, 11:16:22 12/26/06 Tue
- *smiles at Raro* Glad to have you back for a bit. OOC: Inside, I have an announcement -- Elmflower Twinblades, 19:26:47 12/29/06 Fri
- (in reply to elmflower's message) *uncomfortable* ...I was only posting on this board and not doing activities because I thought none of the leaders were there and this was where everyone was...sorry if you wanted us to keep posting on the others... (NT) -- Rinn, 12:24:29 12/31/06 Sun
- *grins back* that, matey, is a fine idea! happy new year...soon...(depending on where you live, could be any time now) =o) (NT) -- Rinn, 16:26:25 12/31/06 Sun
thanks! 1st in the whole world eh? I don't know when we are compared to the rest o' the world....well happy LATE new year!!!!!!!! *giggles and wears that hat you made me a long time ago...the "spirit of tails" one, I think it said...* (NT) -- Rinn, 05:34:32 01/01/07 Mon
- Whadda you mean (sorry im new here) (NT) -- Sasha Treehopper, 14:35:55 01/01/07 Mon
im new are activities still running I need to talk with Elmflower about jadeleaves. I dont want to be kicked off (NT) -- Sasha Treehopper, 16:05:39 01/01/07 Mon
you mean about the hat? Raro made me a hat a long time ago...I can't exactly remember why though...*grins and scratches head* anyway hi and welcome, I'm Rinn!!! (NT) -- Rinn, 09:02:14 01/03/07 Wed
- *bobs her head to some unheard music. Realizing other beastts are staring, she stops and turns to them all smiles* Welcome to Emeraldwall, Sasha! So far I have given you five jadeleaves, though I haven't been able to check my mail for a few days. You have until February to earn at least ten jds. Feel free to explore EWA, especially the Fountain. Enjoy your stay! OOC:Also, I would recomend visiting the "1, 2, 3, RP!" page found on the list of forums. Raro, inside -- Elmflower Twinblades, 18:33:08 01/05/07 Fri
- Aah, I can't afford to look at other creatures like they're wierd--I do too many odd things myself! Me, I'd be actually singing the song I was dancing to! *grins* (NT) -- Rinn, 16:05:30 01/06/07 Sat
- *makes a cute "fish" face before replying* I often do break out in dance at random moments... Inside for Raro -- Elmflower Twinblades, 15:15:38 01/09/07 Tue
- *shudders a little* fish...welll...they kinda scare me... *grin* well not all of them, but those "googly-eyed" ones...I'm afraid they're gonna hit their eyes on those pointy castles that you put in fishtanks!!!! (NT) -- Rinn, 12:43:27 01/10/07 Wed
- I know!!!! *shudders again* but that's what I think of whenever I see them! (NT) -- Rinn, 12:19:05 01/11/07 Thu
- Eyyyaaaggghhh! *(the fish-eye-eating face)* how 'xactly did she GET a fish eye? like can you buy them at a store or did you have to take a fish and... erm... isn't that a kind of soup though? fisheye soup? Hmm, I've never tried cat food. I HAVE tried a dog biscuit though. It was...dry... (NT) -- Rinn, 12:10:15 01/12/07 Fri
- I can't remember...*thinks* I guess it tasted like some very bad, VERY dry cereal, and the crumbs get stuck under your lip forever an' ever! Nope I wouldn't have thought a fish head would be heavy, but I guess that's because I never woulda thought about how much one weighs! Did the people at the shop look at you oddly when you asked for the head, or do people ask for them a lot? *grin* (NT) -- Rinn, 04:34:10 01/15/07 Mon
- *shakes her head in amazement at the change in conversation.* It was just sticking my squirrelly lips out like a fishy, and it was SUPPOSED to be cute-like, but I guess maybe it wasn't. *hangs her head in sorrow* -- Elmflower Twinblades, 16:06:38 01/16/07 Tue
- *grins at elmflower* no, it's cute when a squirrel imitates a fish, but it's just the FISH that are kind of...interesting to talk about!!!! ...wait...I mean, squirrels are interesting too...but in a good way! fish, now I'm not so sure! =o) (NT) -- Rinn, 09:04:19 01/17/07 Wed
- stock? well, I've never done that, but I suppose people do. soft backs? squirrels' teeth have soft backs? *runs off to look at the nearest squirrel* (NT) -- Rinn, 13:08:42 01/21/07 Sun
- coolio! kind of like the velvet on deer antlers, maybe? *notices that we are talking about squirrel's teeth and fish eyes* kind of interesting conversation, this! (NT) -- Rinn, not so knowledgeable about squirrel's teeth, but maybe about the american west! =o), 15:20:57 01/23/07 Tue
*laughs* i like some kinds of baked beans, depends how you make them! but yeah, in between writing a story set there, watching a bunch of old movies, and a tendency to like things most people don't think about, I've built up quite an obsession! but you're not from the USA right? *thought it was new zealand or australia, but can't remember* I don't know really anything about new zealand, OR squirrel's teeth! or fish eyes! looks like I've got some learning to do! and you're right.......otherbeasts, kindly don't hold my long strange conversations against me! (wow that sounded fancy) just tell me to stop talkin' if ya want me to! =o) (NT) -- Rinn (fish eyes. hmm. did they sell those in the old west????), 13:52:25 01/28/07 Sun
you mean till next winter??? well have fun raro we will miss you!!! *runs out to give her a hug* BYEEEEEEEE!!!!! don't eat too many fish eyes or cat food now! *grins widely* (NT) -- Rinn, 10:20:59 02/04/07 Sun
- oops I cut off to early, just had to add that i like cats...don't know too much about them tho' since I've only ever had dogs. surfing would be fun...=o) see ya matey (NT) -- Rinn, 10:24:06 02/04/07 Sun
- *Two hooded figures, dusty and dirty from days of traveling walked toward Emeraldwall Abbey.* -- Sasha Treehopper, 05:31:06 02/05/07 Mon
- I'm back -- Sasha Treehopper, 05:39:32 02/05/07 Mon
- hmmm if one is you who is the other one then? =o) (NT) -- Rinn, 09:32:00 02/05/07 Mon
- My aunt, Sara Brooke (NT) -- Sasha, 09:41:03 02/05/07 Mon
- hey Sasha, Lavender, and Sara Brooke! (NT) -- Rinn, 10:48:43 02/07/07 Wed
- Hi Lavender (NT) -- Sasha, 14:13:13 02/09/07 Fri
- *Mickle wanders out of the kitchen, a large pot o' somethin loaded onto a cart and being dragged behind him.* A'oy mates! 'M sorry bout the wait... but t'was worth it! *gestures towards the pot* I've made a pot o' the loverly 'otroot soup me ol' mate Swift taught me t'make! Figured, if we're gonna be gettin this beasty going again, we'd need a proper meal in our bellies first! (NT) -- Mickle, 21:09:39 02/23/07 Fri
- 'Otroot soup! Just the stuff t'get this goin' again! =o) (NT) -- Rinn, 07:11:12 02/24/07 Sat
- Hi Mickle (NT) -- Sasha, 04:00:41 02/25/07 Sun
- *does a short happy dance* Woohoo! Food! Beasty, I haven't eaten in so long! (NT) -- Elmflower Twinblades, 16:09:08 03/04/07 Sun