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Subject: Re: Was Jesus REAL!! - YES!!!!

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Date Posted: 11:50:49 11/27/04 Sat
In reply to: CJ 's message, "Re: Was Jesus REAL!! - YES!!!!" on 11:48:58 11/27/04 Sat

>>Well, I guess that would make not only the Bible to be
>>fake, but the writings of many Jewish scholars like
>>Josephus fakes and also Roman history fake too. CJ, I
>>think this is going to be a huge project for you and
>>by the time you get through it you may forget what you
>>started doing it for. Anyway, I can categorically say
>>that Jesus is REAL, but I can't make you believe that,
>>you need to find out for yourself. What have you got
>>to lose by asking Jesus to show that He's real to you
>>and actually mean it by giving Him a chance to prove
>>that He's God. It might save you years of research.
>I'm glad you bring josephus up how does a man like him
>write things that occured 150 years before he was born
>how would you consider a person like that an authority?
>In the entire works of the Jewish historian Josephus,
>which constitute many volumes, there are only two
>paragraphs that purport to refer to Jesus. Although
>much has been made of these "references," they have
>been dismissed by all scholars and even by Christian
>apologists as forgeries, as have been those referring
>to John the Baptist and James, "brother" of Jesus.
>Bishop Warburton labeled the Josephus interpolation
>regarding Jesus as "a rank forgery, and a very stupid
>one, too."29 Wheless notes that, "The first mention
>ever made of this passage, and its text, are in the
>Church History of that 'very dishonest writer,' Bishop
>Eusebius, in the fourth century...CE [Catholic
>Encyclopedia] admits... the above cited passage was
>not known to Origen and the earlier patristic
>writers." Wheless, a lawyer, and Taylor, a minister,
>agree that it was Eusebius himself who forged the

the problem is most christians are content woth what the church writes and says. unfortunateyl we must take nothing at face value

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Re: Was Jesus REAL!! - YES!!!!Wendy12:01:37 11/27/04 Sat

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