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Subject: Re: pledge of allegiance

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Date Posted: 04:25:34 12/11/04 Sat
In reply to: morpheus 's message, "Re: pledge of allegiance" on 00:56:10 12/11/04 Sat

>>thoughts about the removal of under god in the pledge?
>It's entirely too retarded. They're pushing the church
>and state thing. It's part of our past and will be
>part of our future, the people who don't want it there
>have to deal with it. they're not required to say the
>pledge of allegiance. If i met a person who didn't
>like the "under god" part, i'll personally kick them
>in the back of the head.

I don't like the God part morpheus!! I do believe they need to keep the pledge as anyone who enters into this country should pledge their life for a country that provides them with the freedom to practice their religions among other things. There has been an influx of people in this country over recent years who come over take advantage of our system but will not fly the american flag because and from personal experience say it is not my country's flag. Well news flash the country in question is a territory of the US under US control and assistance. I've watched on tv how these same people have said "I don't care about this country it's not mine" Though this person was born here. So parents are teaching these kids to hate America yet they're using the child's staus as a citizen to get benefits. I'm rambling but in short either the statement under God could mean any God if people looked at it that way or take it out so long as the pledge is there. Should kids be forced to pledge ? Yes Even if it's against there religion? Yes No religion in schools they took prayer out remember sep of Church and State.

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Subject Author Date
Re: pledge of allegianceAnne09:10:49 12/11/04 Sat
Re: pledge of allegiancesilverfox15:35:29 12/11/04 Sat

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