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Date Posted: 13:50:17 11/03/03 Mon
Author: Black Wisper
Subject: Our Inner Strength
In reply to: Ragnorak 's message, "Minions: The Weedorions View" on 10:40:15 09/22/03 Mon

In the times of old, in days forgotten when history was not recorded people lived, people lived in peace, in harmony and self content. It was in these days in which the race of men was divided. Both posscessed increasing interlectual power, one wanted make life easier by using tools, changing the world around them as they saw fit, the other solm and calm wanted to channal their knowledge into studying magics, life, death and the heavans. The humans, as they called them selfs disliked their counter-parts, which they called Eflonds, they believed that the Eflonds would try to destroy their ways and lifes, they believed that magic should only be used by higher beings and mere mortals should not wield such powers. The Eflonds did dislike the humans ways but did not want to harm the humans, they believed that they should not dramaticly change the land the gods had given them and not use materials that the land needed or organisams.

Time passed and the tenision between the two peoples did not decrease, the humans had started to think that the Eflonds were killing the people who died strangely. The humans did not think that a fellow human was killing them, they believed that all humans were nice and loving, so they wouldn't kill, or steal, or lie but in fact they was an alarming number who did not just one of these but all. The leader of the humans said that the Eflonds had placed a curse upon his people when he realised that the humans themselfs were acting unholy. The Eflond leader protested against the accusations saying that they were acting unholy because the were spirtually moving away from the gods. Humans were shocked and extremly angery by what the Eflond had said, so they proclaimed war. Eflond refused to goto war and instead flead into the forests and mountains of where Sweeden would be today.

For hundreds of years the humans looked for the Eflonds and eventually found them where they were hiding. The lanched a suprize attack with 2,000 men, this might seem a small number but long ago that was about the same number of 20,000 today, compaired with the feeble Eflond population of only 500. The Eflonds fell like flys, but in the last few moments of the battle, when the last Eflond was standing, the leader of Eflonds befell a a incantation upon the humans around him. This appeared to have no affect upon the humans, but still he smiled and held no resistance to been killed. The race of the Eflonds was destroyed.

Tens of thousands of years passed and the race of Eflonds was long since forgotten and was not in any record, they had been compleatly wiped out of all knowleadge in the years after the battle of men. Yet, in all appearances, the Eflonds lived. They were dorment in a few humans around the world, but that was soon to be over.

In the year of 2002 an strange and deadly event happened, the cursed seagulls attacked with their new found intelligence. The world of humans was been destroyed, they were forced to look after them selfs, this caused may many of the dormant Eflonds to waken and protect the host that they had been living in. The few humans in a blink of a eye were now Eflonds, at first they knew very little of their magical protental in time they would learn to teleport around the globe, create personal magical weapons and even open a portal to the hellish dimentions themselfs. Thoese that awakened felt that they needed to goto Sweeden, to where the battle of men took place where, hidden, lay basic knowledge of the magics and text of times gone. One hundred they were, the Eflonds that had awoken but yet only 34 made it to Sweeden. There they found in the foot hills of the mountains a safe haven from dangers and the knowledge to protect themselfs.

Using their intelligance of the world and absorbing the books they found the 34 were soon learning very fast. They desided, as a group, that it would be best that they learnt magics to survive if they should some how be by themselfs. This of course ment knowing a few simple offencive 'spells' too as well as learning to catch their own food and locating water. One person who had renamed him self as Niage, from N. Ireland learnt how to create food and water, through it didn't taste nice it was able to keep them alive if need be.

Yet far away from Sweeden in a small city named Hull, England there was a young boy pinned to a table, outside a bunker, covered from head to toe in three inches thick of seagull shit, kindly forgoten by his 'friends' (nameing no-one...DAVE&LEWIS). The only way he was alive was because he accidently ate the bird shit of immortality. The boys new name after the attack was Black Wisper(through many people just call him Bwis). Black was a tall person with vibrant blue eyes and dark brown/blonde hair, he usally wore deep blue cloths and was just like any other human boy of his age, well almost.He had a dormant Eflond sitting inside his soul, a Eflond that awoke in the strangest way. As soon as the Eflond was awoken Bwis did an advanced form of magic, he materialised through the table of that he was pinned to and fell hard onto the earth leaving a cast of his body formed by the now rock solid shit.Black Wisper was in terrible pain all through his body and was violently sick bringing up the birt shit of immortality.Bwis had the urge to goto Sweeden, so set off south to try and get to the nearest port.

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  • The Humans -- Behemoth, 14:32:13 11/20/03 Thu
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