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Subject: -: angels in anyone

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Date Posted: 19:29:50 01/25/03 Sat
In reply to: Perseus 's message, "*As dark as the shadows...*" on 07:17:37 01/25/03 Sat

aerial allowed herself to gaze at the male perseus for a brief while. slowly, she meanders closer to him, until at last her movements ceased, and she was in front of him. her pate tipped towards the earth, and she spoke to him in tones that were as soft and soothing as the sea lapping gently against the shore.

"salutations stranger. though you know my name, i know not yours, for a slew of events drove us apart before proper introductions could be made."

she paused, her gaze moving over his large form, studying him. her eyes never rested in one place, constantly moving, shifting. she could see it in the male's eyes, she could see exactly what he was thinking. did he think he could hide his thoughts from her. she was shocked and unsure as to why this large creature would hold disdain towards examples of death. he'd done nothing wrong. and suddenly it made sense to her. perseus must have assumed, because of frozen dream's overprotective motions, that he and aerial were mates. the very thought sickened her.

"me and frozen dreams are not togeather. do not think badly of me for flirting with another when i have a mate that loves me. there is nothing between fd and i, nor will there ever be."

suddenly her attention flickered to an approaching figure and it was not long before she figured out who it was. frozen dreams. he'd come running back to her like a whimpering puppy. she refrained from laughing, but just barely. as she spoke a more serious look took hold of her features.

"i have been there, and spoke with vague, but she wants her and x to agree on their side before stating officially what they will do. so i will return soon to speak with them once more. as i will with the other lands i ventured to."

aerial allowed her gaze to venture between frozen dreams and perseus, wanting to converse with the latter, but finding herself forced to speak with the other.

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[> Subject: Intrigue and desire

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Date Posted: 10:02:15 01/26/03 Sun

*He listens to the mare's words with little interest, just enough to hear that she has no mate. He watches her eyes roam his body and takes a step closer.* I am Perseus, the wizard's apprentice. *His words are smooth as silk, for the seduction has begun. A young, lustful stallion such as he can easily read the emotions of the other sex and use them to his advantage*

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