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Subject: Intrigue and desire

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Date Posted: 10:02:15 01/26/03 Sun
In reply to: Perseus 's message, "*As dark as the shadows...*" on 07:17:37 01/25/03 Sat

*He listens to the mare's words with little interest, just enough to hear that she has no mate. He watches her eyes roam his body and takes a step closer.* I am Perseus, the wizard's apprentice. *His words are smooth as silk, for the seduction has begun. A young, lustful stallion such as he can easily read the emotions of the other sex and use them to his advantage*

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[> Subject: I existed from all eternity and, behold, I am here; and I shall exist till the end of time, for my being has no end

Seductress of the Storm
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Date Posted: 10:29:17 01/26/03 Sun

*the dark mare watched the small soap opera with partial interest. yet it was the only thing goin on for mal and euripedes had become silent in their matters. She walked down to the small gathering head held high. She recognized Aerial and Fd and the ebony stallion called perseus. She quietly examined Example running her eyes over his muscled body a few times then tossed her black mane out of her souless orbs. She watched aerial toy with FD and chuckled to herself finding that she liked the mare's disposition. Her muscles twitched with impatience as she silently observed the horses around her*

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