Subject: -is that a threat? |
Author: Frozen Dreams
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Date Posted: 14:26:53 02/04/03 Tue
In reply to:
Satan's Outcast
's message, "enters" on 17:28:23 02/03/03 Mon
a quiet smirk built upon his features and froze to his pallet. as the second and third stallions stepped into the conversation he allowed only the swivel of his attentive lobes to recognise their appearance. his ebony occulis trained on the coal hued king, a malevolent laughter in their depth. as he stared, his nigrecent aigrette curled itself idly about his hocks, making his comfort in the situation all too clear. with a bored flick of his gaze he accepted that there were more than two of them in the entire world before he tempted the wind once more with his words, which, pronounced with an insulting lack of enthusiasm baited his hook. the pallid brute's grey matter perceived much more sharply than his exaggeratedly conceited persona would indicate. and the conversation to the point had given him more than enugh to work from, and several footnotes to add to the novel he'd created around his opposition.
i'm not exiled, and yet requested to remove myself? well, your highness perhap i would interject that such a handicap would create many inconveniences for me. i've been busy. i came home to rest up a bit, and i would so love to stay. if anything can be said about you, malussinn, it is that you took great care with this valley.
he tipped his pate into the breeze, his actions deliberately languid. his relaxed tone had been more than sarcastic, and for a few seconds he sat in silence, midnight locks cruling about his visage as the winds coursed their way through the terra. a light tap of an onyx rock upon the frosted earth served to characterise the raising of his chiseled dial to a slightly raised plane. deep pools ircled the gathering as he pondered upon his next action. should he stay, a violent action on the part of their pacifist ruler could bring upon his death a little ahead of schedule.. but there was the uncounted con of his brother, were that the case. thunderwave undoubtedly held much promise as a fighter, no matter how unskilled he could be, and even an inept second was better than none. completely discounting the wizard though, Frozen Dreams set his decision into action, choosing, for now, to remain the diplomat.
but, i believe i shall take my leave of you all, entertaining hosts though you all are. the next we meet, malussinn will undoubtedly be sooner than will be comfortable. stay on your toes.
the last of his statements was tossed without the kind timbre that haunted the formal challenges of many. the mustang mutt spun agilely upon his hing, taking athree or four quick steps before he hesitated and turned back, the honor of his glance landing this time upon the mare. the movement caused ebon forelocks to shade his eyes from the setting lights of the sun, somewhere to his left. and silhouetted him in picturesque fashion against the horizon, he spoke without the taunting that had previously instilled impression and his words were to the point,and, though overly dramatisized, much more polite than those he had directed at the king.
here is where you make your choice. you might stay with the losing side, or you can follow me. either way, you will soon be under my wing, but come, share the glory.
without the smallest of glances to any of the three males he bobbed his crania and continued on his way, the neige of his coat fading into the darkness that had begun to envelopp the borders of the territory.
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