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Subject: watches

Satan's Outcast
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Date Posted: 17:03:49 02/04/03 Tue
In reply to: Satan's Outcast 's message, "enters" on 17:28:23 02/03/03 Mon

to Frozen Dreams: *I wish to stay here if M'lord Malussinn will let me.*

to Malussinn: *May I stay, M'lord? I wish only to serve you faithfully, doing what your desire is and it only.*

to Euripedes: Turns quickly upon him. *I have been a fighter for my life. I was an outcast, I was forced to endure alone, no one to watch over me, no one to watch over.
When I was little more than three, a stallion challenged me to my grazing spot. I fought him, and won. I have been a fighter ever sence and am good. I wish to be wanted, loved, and for once not an outcast. Fighting is the thing I am best at, and want to defend Evil and my lord faithfully. And for the leader of Infinite Valley, it's not my fault he has not wished to be General.*

to Thunderwave: *Greetings, my friend. I am Satan's Outcast. And you?* Walks forward to see him better. She looks again to the Dark Lord. *May I, M'lord?* ~as you can easily tell, this spot is the world to her.~ *I would rather die in service to you, to Evil, and to Satan himself than to die being a wanderer for the rest of my days...*

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[> Subject: \/ .insidious. .shade. \/

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Date Posted: 15:17:33 02/05/03 Wed

Anger indeed rose in the challenged King, his hoof wounding the earth as he forced himself to watch in silence as Frozen Dreams at last departed. His pride, he had found over the years, could be easily swallowed for practicality; but it had become hard these past few weeks.

His gaze turned upon Satan's Outcast, but he merely observed without the formalities of nods or even smiles. "Yes, your help would be appreciated. With your permission, I will begin you first on Brigadier General so that I might see your skills first. I mean not to offend you, but I want to see what you can do before I put you in front of my, at the moment, nonexistant army."

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