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Date Posted: 14:12:51 02/10/03 Mon
Well, then I've got to do it too...I'm quitting as well. I was planning on backing out quietly in a few months, but I don't see the point in doing that any more.
My reason is pretty similar to Kate's: I've just got a whole lot to do and not enough time. I've got riding things going on during the week, and after spring break I'll have lax practice every afternoon. Then, by May, my inner thespian and my inner athlete will wrestle again for priority. I really don't see any other option than to quit.
Plus, you know, I can't for the life of me find any reason to keep Cirrus around anymore. I mean, if Malussinn's gone and all. She'd be too depressed to do anything remotely productive and would probably just lower the morale of the general Evil public.
I love you guys, except for the ones I don't -Wicked grin- And it's been amazing for the past three or so years. Even though I originally lied about my age, was a moron, blew up at everyone, etc. Personally, I think things kind of went down hill when Lauren left...which sparked Erika's leave...and so on and so forth. But that's just me. You guys rock, all right!
Love and kisses,
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