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Date Posted: 03:43:22 01/16/05 Sun
Author: Doyle
Author Host/IP: wopr-p-144-134-185-194.prem.tmns.net.au /
Subject: Re: Oh my God...I haven't been in chat in ages.
In reply to: Swedish Bob 's message, "Oh my God...I haven't been in chat in ages." on 02:50:09 02/16/04 Mon

MiszMuu has entered the room.
b1beautyone: nice.
shiny silver grl: Heya Dru. Long time no see.
b1beautyone: Hey!
MiszMuu: Dru? Stop the crack Sil
Doylificus: it ain't dru
Doylificus: haha
MiszMuu: hi, girls. and Doyle (again)
Doylificus: hey Brack
shiny silver grl: woops
shiny silver grl: lol
Doylificus: *hint hint*
MiszMuu: hahaha.
b1beautyone: its not so much a hint, as you just told us its Bracky
shiny silver grl: dunno why the hell I said Dru. When I heard the door awhile ago I checked it, but for some reason thought it was dru.
MiszMuu: Seriously? Where does Dru come from?
Doylificus: australia
Doylificus: or canada
Doylificus: or both
shiny silver grl: I have no idea.
Doylificus: ya, brack, sil's been smoking that crack all night
shiny silver grl: Sorry, I was distracted.
MiszMuu: Mmmmcrack.
Doylificus: like that crackwhore, Willow;-)
MiszMuu: I miss them.
Doylificus: j/k *g*
MiszMuu: no, she was.
Doylificus: indeed. sil's always on the crack, aren't ya sil?
shiny silver grl: GODDAMNIT!
Doylificus: okies
shiny silver grl: Oh fuck me, it's goddamn snowing!!!
b1beautyone: already snowed here today.
MiszMuu: yeah. same here
Doylificus: is that...bad?
MiszMuu: yes.
MiszMuu: snow = teh evil
shiny silver grl: *grumbles*
shiny silver grl: Have you not read my "I hate snow" poem, Doyle?
Doylificus: oh right, sil, you wrote a poem about how you hate snow
Doylificus: yes
Doylificus: I have
Doylificus: I momentarilly forgot
MiszMuu: flog yourself. :p
Doylificus: just like you momentarilly forgot that brack was infact bracken;-)
shiny silver grl: har har
Doylificus: I'll get Eve to do it for me
shiny silver grl: I told you, I was distracted.
Doylificus: not eve from ats, tho
shiny silver grl: *saw that coming*
Doylificus: a different eve
Doylificus: sil sees everything comming
Doylificus: 'cept this! *throws coconut at sil*
shiny silver grl: Everything predictable, yes ;-)
shiny silver grl: and lol
shiny silver grl: *gets clobbered*
MiszMuu: Do you have a 900#, Sil?
Doylificus: *picks up coconut and saves it for later use*
shiny silver grl: um....no? oh, heh, I getcha.
MiszMuu: *steals coconut and eats it* Mmm
Doylificus: aww
Doylificus: that's my clobberin' coconut
Doylificus: it's sued for hitting sil with
shiny silver grl: Didn't Miss Cleo like, have a lawsuit against her or something?
MiszMuu: She did.
shiny silver grl: *sues coconut*
MiszMuu: I believe.
shiny silver grl: did she get time, or anything? do you know?
MiszMuu: The coconut is digesting in me belleh.
MiszMuu: No idea.
Doylificus: here, when you need to call the police or ambulance or fire department SO many ppl think it's 911 but it;'s NOT
shiny silver grl: so what is it?
MiszMuu: I don't even know if it went to court. I'm assuming it did, but all I heard was that she was being sued.
Doylificus: wouldn't you like to know
Doylificus: *eg*
MiszMuu: If you don't tell us the internet might
shiny silver grl: and heh....that reminds me of the stupid dumbasses at my hotel who keep dialing "9" to get an outside line, then "1" to start dialing a long distance number, then fuck up and end up dialing 911.
Doylificus: your belleh, eh?
MiszMuu: belleh - belly
shiny silver grl: with a Mike Meyers inflection.
MiszMuu: exactly.
Doylificus: who's miss cleo?
MiszMuu: A pyschic
Doylificus: aha
shiny silver grl: Caribbean psychic network chick.
MiszMuu: or a "pyschic"
shiny silver grl: heh
Doylificus: brack, are you happy now that brad and jen have broken up?;-)
shiny silver grl: what? brack, you broke up with jen? ;-)
MiszMuu: Hahaha.
Doylificus: she's always had a thing for jen
Doylificus: or something
MiszMuu: not really, no. I mean kinda. Cos, I want him and Minnie Driver together. But then I kind of liked him and Jen together.
MiszMuu: Oh, yes.
MiszMuu: She's sassy. Or something
shiny silver grl: You like Minnie Driver?
Doylificus: why him and minnie?
shiny silver grl: She's in Phantom of the Opera, you know.
MiszMuu: really? nice.
b1beautyone: I like Minnie Driver. Shes spunky
shiny silver grl: I was really quite impressed with her voice.
Doylificus: do you think they have uh...what's the word?
shiny silver grl: She wasn't at ALL who I would have thought of to play Carlotta, but she did a good job.
shiny silver grl: chemistry?
Doylificus: the thing everyone thought DB and SMG had but that marc blucas and SMG didn't have...
Doylificus: ya!
Doylificus: chemistry
shiny silver grl: heh
MiszMuu: Minnie Driver and him were in Sleepers together. And they weren't together all that much but they looked so nice together and yes, there was some chemistry
Doylificus: I liked her in grosse point blank
shiny silver grl: Yeah, me too.
shiny silver grl: She was in sleepers?
MiszMuu: Me too. I think. I don't remember what happened in that movie. heh.
MiszMuu: She was in Sleepers
b1beautyone: Brad Pitt was in Sleepers?
MiszMuu: Brad was in Sleepers.
b1beautyone: the one with Kevin Bacon?
Doylificus: grosse point blank had john cusack in it
shiny silver grl: I don't remember like, anything from that movie, except for the fade-out shot in the basement while the boys're getting raped, and Robert DeNiro (I think) later threatening the dude (Kevin Bacon?) out on the street.
MiszMuu: That one.
Doylificus: he was an assasin
Doylificus: they went to a highschool reunion
b1beautyone: geez, I dont remember him being in it at all.
MiszMuu: I remember that much about Grosse Point.
Doylificus: I think
b1beautyone: I really liked him in Snatch
shiny silver grl: never saw that one.
MiszMuu: Brad Pitt was a main character.
b1beautyone: that wasnt Brad Pitt, that was John Cusack.
shiny silver grl: lol
b1beautyone: In Gross Point Blank.
shiny silver grl: John Cusack was not in Sleepers.
b1beautyone: Martin Blank.
Doylificus: what movie was it that you didn't like kevin bacon in, brack? the movie you said turned you off him or whatever?
MiszMuu: Sleepers. But I'm okay with him now.
Doylificus: ahkays
shiny silver grl: *blinks*
b1beautyone: ooh, if you dont like Kevin Bacon, you should watch Shes Having a Baby, or Tremors.
b1beautyone: he was terrific in those.
MiszMuu: Only he's playing another child molester in some movie and so if I see it, I'll probably not like him again for awhile.
shiny silver grl: *loves Tremors!*
MiszMuu: No. I LOVE Kevin Bacon
b1beautyone: *throws Kevin Bacon at you*
shiny silver grl: hehee
shiny silver grl: I used to watch that movie w/ my mom over and over and over. We'd quote it like nobody's business.
shiny silver grl: I've got a goddamn plan!
Doylificus: B wants you to confront your "dislike" of kevin bacon, brack
Doylificus: ;-)
b1beautyone: its scary!
MiszMuu: He's just too good at the acting that I didn't like him cos of the child molesting. cos eww. and he was convincing and I KNOW he didn't really do it.
b1beautyone: that bit with the hat....eew.
MiszMuu: But yeah.
MiszMuu: and I don't think he molested anyone in Tremors.
shiny silver grl: what, in tremors, b? you mean the farmer dude under the hat?
b1beautyone: yeh.
shiny silver grl: lol....no.
b1beautyone: the farmer dude UNDER the hat.
shiny silver grl: unless you count the 'ass end' of the graboid he lifted up out of the dirt.
MiszMuu: Oooh. OOOH. I really liked Kevin in the movie with the digging. Shit. What's the one with the digging? *goes to look it iup*
MiszMuu: up*
Doylificus: *sits on couch of bewildermenet since I've seen none of these movies being discussed*
shiny silver grl: digging.....
b1beautyone: and the monsters, while schlocky, were scary when they werent being shown.
shiny silver grl: shadows....
Doylificus: did someone say digging?
shiny silver grl: um....
Doylificus: *digs a hole*
b1beautyone: Stir of echoes
shiny silver grl: the movie where he saw dead people
MiszMuu: Thank you
shiny silver grl: yeah
Doylificus: *is not really sure why*
shiny silver grl: that one.
b1beautyone: that move ROCKED
shiny silver grl: that was okay
b1beautyone: and it was scary.
MiszMuu: No. It was good.
b1beautyone: *whimpers*
b1beautyone: scary.
shiny silver grl: i thought it was a sort of ripoff of the 6th sense.
shiny silver grl: and came out the same summer.
shiny silver grl: but it was all right.
b1beautyone: I thought the sixth sense was very lame in comparison.
shiny silver grl: some funny bits in it.
MiszMuu: brb
shiny silver grl: i liked when he was trying to see the ghost girl again and kept leaning back on the couch & looking over.
shiny silver grl: kk
shiny silver grl: you didn't like the 6th sense?
shiny silver grl: *loves that movie*
shiny silver grl: *loves M. Night*
Doylificus: hey, guess what? this is the first time in AGES where (due to my looking down while typing) I've had to scroll up quite a bit to catch up with what's being said
shiny silver grl: *loves the Village, just thinking about it*
Doylificus: *sniff* 'tis like old times
shiny silver grl: heh
Doylificus: *loves the village and wants to buy it*
b1beautyone: havent seen The Village yet.
Doylificus: *loves Ivy*
shiny silver grl: *is expecting it in the mail*
shiny silver grl: ooh, you should see it, B.
shiny silver grl: 'tis good.
b1beautyone: I think M. Night is overrated, and Bruce Willis has no passion.
b1beautyone: Kevin Bacon is passionate.
shiny silver grl: though if you don't like the 6th sense, you may not think so, I guess.
shiny silver grl: did you like "Signs"?
Doylificus: *is also expecting it in the mail on the basis of if someone sent sil a copy, I should get one too*
shiny silver grl: heh
b1beautyone: and the one with aliens? that was dull dull.
shiny silver grl: *gasp*
shiny silver grl: *loves Signs*
b1beautyone: not scary. not engaging. not good actin.
shiny silver grl: and heh, doyle...it's a late christmas present.
b1beautyone: acting
shiny silver grl: oh, see i liked it.
Doylificus: and ooh, brack not gonna like you calling bruce dull
Doylificus: since apaprently...she is bruce
Doylificus: now and then
Doylificus: shrug
Doylificus: nm
b1beautyone: then she is the funny, comedy bruce.
shiny silver grl: a couple of scary bits, but mostly i liked it just because of the suspense. same thing w/ the village. And with each there's this underlying sense of ....something more. An intangible moral you come away with.
shiny silver grl: imo
b1beautyone: I felt no suspense with Signs.
Doylificus: silver, you told me how if I didn't jump when seeing the village I wouldn't jump seeing the grudge but you were SO wrong;-)
Doylificus: tho TV does have a couple of jumpy moments
Doylificus: (for me)
MiszMuu: I haven't seen the Village.
Doylificus: TV=The Village
b1beautyone: mebbe its cause four teenagers can do a crop circle in less than fifteen mintues and everyone thinks its aliens. *derisive snort*
MiszMuu: The Grudge bored and yet amused me.
Doylificus: not the box thing I watched it on;-)
b1beautyone: what did you think of the Grudge Doyle?
b1beautyone: I havent seen it yet and I cant wait!
shiny silver grl: It may be just a matter of preference. Like...my mom for instance doens't get scared by spooky ghost or alien type stuff, but is terrified of slasher movies. I don't mind slashers or serial killers at all....
Doylificus: wb brack/bruce
shiny silver grl: but if you give me something unknown, something you can't really fight, that spooks me.
MiszMuu: ty
b1beautyone: ew. I cant watch serial killers. Unless its all british accents.
Doylificus: why?
MiszMuu: heee
shiny silver grl: *giggles to self remembering Doyle's reaction to the tongue scene*
MiszMuu: Shaun of the Dead, B?
Doylificus: I reacted? hmmm
shiny silver grl: *wanted to see that, but didn't*
b1beautyone: Im not sure. I watch the BBCA mystery monday movie every week. and love it. But I cant watch crap like CSI, which everyone else loves.
shiny silver grl: well...you sort of reacted.
Doylificus: to have reacted I would've had to *watch* it
Doylificus: ;-)
shiny silver grl: by....turning away.
shiny silver grl: lol
MiszMuu: MmmmmCSI
b1beautyone: heh. Shaun of the Dead had some hilarious bits.
b1beautyone: but not enough to carry a film. I prefered 28 days later.
b1beautyone: truly scary.
shiny silver grl: *was disappointed by that film*
Doylificus: there's an eye thing in 28 days later apaprently so I won't be seeing it
b1beautyone: its no big Doyle.
b1beautyone: its not like...a puncture or removal.
shiny silver grl: I was so intrigued by the premise. This dude wakes up in a hospital, and this huge, catastrophic thing has happened while he was in a coma. Then it all went downhill from there, becoming more and more mindless as it went along.
b1beautyone: the ending was a bit trite.
shiny silver grl: Yeah. I liked the alternate endings even less.
Doylificus: who here saw Identity and *didn't* have a problem with the final ending twsit of it? so many ppl I've heard *did* have a problem with it
Doylificus: twist*
shiny silver grl: I liked that movie. I have that movie.
b1beautyone: I have that movie
Doylificus: sil's philosy: want. take. have.
Doylificus: *g*
MiszMuu: When I first saw the ads for 28 Days Later, ... no, when I saw the title I thought it was a sequel to 28 Days and then when I saw the ad I thought, 'How the *hell* is this related to 28 Days?' Much later I realized it was it's own
MiszMuu: movie
Doylificus: you're SO Faith
Doylificus: or buffy
b1beautyone: hehhe
Doylificus: :-P
MiszMuu: and I've not seen Identity
shiny silver grl: I didn't really have a *problem* with it, but it annoyed me that after everything that happened, after JC gave up what he did to save whatshername, she ended up getting it anyway.
b1beautyone: oh Bracks, its great.
shiny silver grl: lol, Brack.
shiny silver grl: and ooh, sorry.
shiny silver grl: I just spoiled you.
shiny silver grl: gah.
b1beautyone: not so bad.
MiszMuu: I didn't read
shiny silver grl: heh
shiny silver grl: oh
shiny silver grl: well then
b1beautyone: you were really vague sil.
shiny silver grl: okay
shiny silver grl: *sniff*
Doylificus: can you vague that up for me?
shiny silver grl: nice to know you don't read my stuff, Brack.
shiny silver grl: *bawls big fat, fake tears*
MiszMuu: sht up!
MiszMuu: shut*
MiszMuu: :p
shiny silver grl: :'(
Doylificus: sil: *vaues up *sniff** "uh...I make a noise with my nose to express sadness"
Doylificus: vagues even
MiszMuu: N'aww. Poor Sil
Doylificus: damn, I make no sense when I do typos
Doylificus: I'm probably making brack twitch alot
MiszMuu: I'm watching Stir of Echoes now. Jealous? :-P
shiny silver grl: heh. you totally don't. *g*
b1beautyone: very.
b1beautyone: how is it that you get to watch it this minute?
Doylificus: *is jealous of sil getting The Village in the mail*
MiszMuu: I'm special?
shiny silver grl: mua
Doylificus: I should go intercept sil's mail
b1beautyone: you must own it right?
MiszMuu: Nah, I have it on tape. Taped from zee movie channel so it's all unedited.
b1beautyone: sweet!
MiszMuu: yeah
shiny silver grl: You wouldn't have to try very hard. My post-girl is a reject. I got a neighbor's mail today.
Doylificus: heh
Doylificus: we get other ppl's mail alot
b1beautyone: brb
shiny silver grl: kk
Doylificus: *flies to america and finds reject mail grl and poses as silver to get the real silver's package*
MiszMuu: Does it hurt to be dead?
MiszMuu: Nice wig, Doyle.
Doylificus: not being dead, I wouldn't know
shiny silver grl: when i was a j.d. I used to switch the mail in peoples' boxes.
MiszMuu: j.d?
shiny silver grl: juvenile delinquent.
Doylificus: j.d? you don't mean d.j?
MiszMuu: hee
Doylificus: you were a d.j, sil??
shiny silver grl: no
Doylificus: thanx for the compliment, brack
shiny silver grl: i don't even know why i did it. the same reason i shoplifted, and the same reason i liked to watch matches burn, i guess. i suppose it must've just been the age.
Doylificus: you juvenile delinquent, sil!!
MiszMuu: Welcome. I thought you were Sil for a moment
shiny silver grl: lol
b1beautyone: I cant believe you were that nasty!
shiny silver grl: i know, i know.
shiny silver grl: i was a bad, naughty girl.
shiny silver grl: who never got caught.
Doylificus: sil's getting down with her BAD self
MiszMuu: Until now!
b1beautyone: I never ever pulled shit like that.
shiny silver grl: heh
Doylificus: *not really sure what I meant by that*
b1beautyone: O:-)
shiny silver grl: what's so weird is that i just like....changed one day.
Doylificus: you're a bad, rude ma...m'lady
shiny silver grl: like, overnight i just decided i didn't want to be that way anymore. i don't know why.
b1beautyone: I think tis called maturity
Doylificus: you decided to repent, sil?
shiny silver grl: i guess. it just happened rather abruptly.
shiny silver grl: well...i guess you could put it that way.
Doylificus: how does that work exactly? you jsut wake up one morning and decide, "okay, now I'm good!"?
MiszMuu: With Sil? I'm not sure it was maturity or just boredom. Cos, not that long ago she was all deliquenity. *shines a light in Sil's eye* weren't you???
Doylificus: *tried to quote from an angel ep but it got kinda buried*
shiny silver grl: Did I just say "I don't know why?"
shiny silver grl: ;-)
b1beautyone: I vote boredom
Doylificus: along with something else...I should bury
shiny silver grl: it was....sort of long ago! over a decade.
shiny silver grl: about 13 years, actually.
MiszMuu: It was last week, admit it, Sil.
shiny silver grl: heh
b1beautyone: heh
Doylificus: is brack the bad cop?
Doylificus: am I the good cop?
b1beautyone: I am the good cop.
b1beautyone: *gives everyone donuts*
MiszMuu: I'm the jackass in the corner
Doylificus: I'M the good cop!
Doylificus: no wait...I'm the bad cop
b1beautyone: Now Im the bad cop.
b1beautyone: damt, you are just faster than me.
Doylificus: fuck this is confusing
Doylificus: notice I said confusing instead of confuzzling
shiny silver grl: damt. *g*
b1beautyone: *I* know you are quoting SOR
Doylificus: (which I usualy do)
shiny silver grl: not quite as amusing as damnity, but close.
Doylificus: how LONG has that sentence of my typos gotten now, sil?
b1beautyone: I never typed damnity. Did I?
Doylificus: ya, I was quoting from that ats ep, B
MiszMuu: So, I'm on my 3rd beer of the night. I don't even *like* beer. And usually after two I start to feel ill. But now? Now, I feel okay. Yey.
shiny silver grl: too long for me to remember anything beyond thinknig fuck damnit picute happyt.
MiszMuu: SOR?
shiny silver grl: no, damnity was qc's typo.
b1beautyone: shroud of rahmon
shiny silver grl: in "Fuck ya's all"
b1beautyone: my favorite angel eppy.
MiszMuu: Ahhhh
shiny silver grl: and....blah, beer.
MiszMuu: I know.
shiny silver grl: *makes face*
shiny silver grl: didn't I read on your LJ that you were drinking beer last week, too? what's up with that?
MiszMuu: I'm a lush.
shiny silver grl: heh
MiszMuu: Or, I just felt like some.
MiszMuu: and it's cheap
Doylificus: heh, I just read that as "my favourite Angel eppy 'Fuck ya's all'"
b1beautyone: blame it on the evil snow.
MiszMuu: and I am Canadian. So, I have to drink it
Doylificus: there shoulda been an angel ep called that
b1beautyone: heh.
MiszMuu: Oh, there will be
shiny silver grl: the same way you must love hockey
b1beautyone: have you seen Strange Brew Bracky?
MiszMuu: Exactly
MiszMuu: No.
Doylificus: and ooh, *loves the fact that I actually haveta keep scrolling up to catch everything that's being said*
shiny silver grl: and ooh, speaking of canadians.....I'm totally in love with one.
shiny silver grl: sort of.
shiny silver grl: *g*
b1beautyone: lurve that movei.
b1beautyone: movie
Doylificus: beer bad!
MiszMuu: The one on your LJ?
shiny silver grl: huh?
Doylificus: rough day, wanna talk about it?
shiny silver grl: I have a Canadian on my LJ?
MiszMuu: That guy.
Doylificus: *flick cigarette lighter at brack*
shiny silver grl: *thinks about that sentence and giggles*
MiszMuu: Mmmsmoking.
shiny silver grl: that ....guy. Who, JP? No, he's not Canadian.
MiszMuu: Oh. I thought he was.
shiny silver grl: No, I'm talking about the dude who plays Rodney McKay on Stargate Atlantis.
shiny silver grl: He plays a Canadian, anyway.
b1beautyone: bleh.
MiszMuu: Oh, him. Yeah, that's my ... dad.
shiny silver grl: Yeah, I don't watch the show, but I'm love him anyway.
shiny silver grl: lol
b1beautyone: I cant belive you watch Stargate and refuse to watch Battlestar.
Doylificus: wait...brack has another pesonality named Strange Brew Bracky?
b1beautyone: its ijit.
shiny silver grl: No, I watch SG-1.
shiny silver grl: And mostly just for Jack and Sam.
shiny silver grl: Which is doomed.
shiny silver grl: alas.
b1beautyone: no Doyle, Strange Brew is a movie.
b1beautyone: an OLD movie.
b1beautyone: well...mebbe 1984
MiszMuu: I lurve Kevin Bacon
shiny silver grl: But he rocks. He's so ....arrogant, and funny, and brilliant, and sarcastic. And he hates kids. And he has no patience. And he's SO the anti-hero, but he's a good guy. I'm love him.
Doylificus: *has finally caught up on everything now*
Doylificus: I think I'll change my text colour so it's easier to tell what I'm saying apart from what brack (who also has black text) is saying
MiszMuu: No.
MiszMuu: Keep it the same.
Doylificus: mckay is brack's father?
MiszMuu: Oh, yes.
shiny silver grl: lol
shiny silver grl: McKay: Bracken....*deep breaths*....I am your father.
MiszMuu: He likes it when I call him Daddy
MiszMuu: heeee
shiny silver grl: *snort*
shiny silver grl: I'd call him Daddy.
Doylificus: biiiiiiiiiiiig daddy mckay
MiszMuu: He actually told me about that.
shiny silver grl: who actually told you about what?
shiny silver grl: *missed something*
MiszMuu: McKay .. I mean my dad. Told me about how you called him Daddy. Sure you said that you'd like to call him, but we both know that you did call him that
shiny silver grl: lol
shiny silver grl: You're such a nut.
shiny silver grl: My little cashew of creation.
Doylificus: salty
MiszMuu: lkgjeodrgj. erm.
Doylificus: need beer
MiszMuu: heee.
Doylificus: foamy!
shiny silver grl: lkgjeodrgj? wtf?
MiszMuu: Go get some! We can be beer buddies!
MiszMuu: That. That is a spasm.
Doylificus: *hits jerky Parker on head with tree log*
shiny silver grl: hmmm....I've never spontaneously said lkgieodrgj when I spasm.....
shiny silver grl: ahem.
MiszMuu: ahahaha
shiny silver grl: other stuff, maybe.
Heather21881 has entered the room.
Doylificus: welcome heater
MiszMuu: OMG
shiny silver grl: heya heather.
Heather21881: BRACKEN? is that you????
Doylificus: it mgiht be Dru
Doylificus: ;-)
Doylificus: might*
Doylificus: damn typos
Doylificus: j/k, it's bracken
shiny silver grl: hardy har.
MiszMuu: It's been so long! Oh, jeez. :wobbles with cane:
Doylificus: we were just talkin' something about sil having a thing for brack's dad who isn't really her dad but sil likes to call daddy
Doylificus: *keeps giving sil shit about that *one* mistake*
Doylificus: *eg*
shiny silver grl: i.
shiny silver grl: was.
shiny silver grl: distracted.
Doylificus: why've you got a cane, brack?
shiny silver grl: i.e. i was not paying attention.
Doylificus: okies, I'll quit giving you shit, sil:-)
Doylificus: uh...ignore that flamey paper bag on your porch
shiny silver grl: nah, you can, i don't care.
shiny silver grl: *doesn't have a porch*
Doylificus: fire bad!
MiszMuu: Because I'm very old.
MiszMuu: no. plus fire? pretty
Doylificus: hmmm, I wonder where I placed the bag then
Doylificus: no!
Doylificus: TREE pretty
Doylificus: fire BAD
Doylificus: heather, have you seen The Aviator yet?
MiszMuu: She has.
MiszMuu: She liked it.
MiszMuu: *answers for her*
Doylificus: uh...
Heather21881: hahaha
b1beautyone: really? It looks so boring in a historical document way.
Heather21881: thank you bracky
Heather21881: it was good
MiszMuu: I'm here for you
Doylificus: brack, are you heather's carrier pigeon?
Heather21881: sad though
Doylificus: ah, okies
Heather21881: because of his OCD
Heather21881: she's my pelican
Doylificus: ah
Doylificus: my mum loves pelicans
Doylificus: for some reason
MiszMuu: *flies over your house*
Heather21881: whee
Doylificus: you not carrying a baby are you?
Doylificus: wait, that's a stalk
Heather21881: hahaha
MiszMuu: heee
Heather21881: that amuses me
Doylificus: silver, if you don't have a porch, do you have a balcony?
shiny silver grl: indeed.
b1beautyone: a balcony is on the second floor doyle.
Doylificus: I never got the stalk-carrying-babies thing
shiny silver grl: *gives a dignified nod*
Heather21881: me too
b1beautyone: a porch is on the first floor
Doylificus: what kinda sense is that?
Heather21881: stork

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