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Date Posted: 22:44:10 08/14/03 Thu
Author: First aired Sunday 3rd August
Subject: Episode 8.22 - "MOMENTS - Season Finale" by Linda_Delurked & Imisstara (Part I!)

Giles is sitting at a desk, leafing very quickly through a large book. He mumbles something, then jumps up to fetch something. Willow, Buffy and Dawn are also researching. They look up briefly as Giles goes into his office.

Buffy: (turning back to her book) It’s really weird reading this stuff and actually understanding it.
Willow: It’s really weird thinking that this demon looks like Davy Jones from The Monkees.
Dawn: It’s really weird knowing who The Monkees are.
Willow: Hey, they were before my time too!
Buffy: (shamed) That’s my fault. Saturday morning reruns.
Willow: Any swirly walls yet?
Dawn: (looks up briefly) No. We’re good.
Giles: (offscreen) Damn!

Giles comes back into the room, looking frustrated.

Buffy: Something wrong?
Giles: The Compendium of Transdimensional Travel through Neolithic artefacts. I’ve just remembered that I don’t acquire it for three more years.
Dawn: Never mind. Maybe our next jump will be to there.
Giles: (taking off his glasses and wiping his eyes) This is getting very tiresome.

Doorbell rings. Willow jumps up to get it. Season 2 Xander is standing outside the door with several cups of coffee.

Xander: The ladies demand coffee, the ladies shall have coffee! (catches sight of Giles) And there’s one for the librarian too.
Giles: (sarcastically) Thank you so much.
Xander: No problem. I’m a generous person. Besides, you paid for them, so…
Willow: Hey Xander! Thanks for the supplies.

Xander walks over to the table and sets the coffee down.

Xander: Not a problem. You know how wonderfully exciting my Saturdays are anyway. Maybe one day I’ll have something interesting to do besides demon research.
Buffy: (not looking up from her book) Never gonna happen.

Xander doesn’t hear Buffy. He’s handing out the coffee.

Xander: (hands cup to Willow) One for you, (hands one to Buffy) One for you, (hands one to Dawn) One for…you…

Xander stares at Dawn in wonder. Dawn has her hand on the coffee cup, but Xander doesn’t let it go. Dawn looks a little unsettled.

Dawn: You okay?
Xander: W…Who?
Dawn: (suddenly realizes) Oh! (takes the coffee and shakes his hand) I’m Dawn!
Xander: I’m in love!
Dawn: What?
Buffy: What?
Xander: Xander! I’m Xander! Ha ha ha! Yessir, that’s me! Xander! Good ol’ Xander. The Xand Man. Yep, ask anybody!

Xander keeps staring at Dawn. Who looks more and more uncomfortable. He doesn’t seem to notice that he’s still shaking her hand.

Dawn: (carefully) It’s very nice to meet you.
Xander: And you too. Meeting you. It’s nice. Very nice.

Dawn finally pulls her hand away from Xander. Buffy looks horrified. Willow pretends to be reading for all she’s worth. She’s trying not to laugh.

Xander: (cheerfully) Say, do you like bowling?

Dawn looks shocked. Willow has unfortunately taken a sip of her coffee and starts to quietly choke. Buffy rounds on Xander.

Buffy: My GOD Xander are you hitting on my … cousin?
Xander: Cousin?

Willow is laughing aloud now. Dawn isn’t sure what to do.

Giles: I have it! I have it!
Dawn: (relieved) Oh thank The Goddess!
Willow: (still coughing) What- what do you have?

Giles sets a book down on the table. He looks pleased.

Giles: This is why we’re jumping through time, why the watch doesn’t seem to protect me. It IS protecting me. It’s keeping me aware of the tears in time, and it’s preventing me from changing anything.
Buffy: Okay, that’s you. What about us.
Giles: You were wearing the watch.
Buffy: But I’m not any more.
Giles: Were you wearing it when you enjoined with Willow and Dawn?
Buffy: (light dawns) Yes…
Giles: And then you cast a spell to combine your powers.
Dawn: So you’re saying we…enjoined with the watch?
Giles: Yes, at least partially.
Willow: I didn’t think it was possible to absorb powers from an artefact through an enjoining spell.
Giles: Well, ordinarily it isn’t. But This watch was imbued with powers that effect whole dimensions… and so was one of your number…

Buffy frowns in puzzlement for a moment, before realising who Giles is talking about. She and Willow turn to Dawn.

Dawn: Me?
Giles: Yes. I believe these watches, and Proserpexa’s spell, work in a similar way to The Key. Just as Glory wanted to use you to break down dimensional walls, so Proserpexa has broken down the barriers separating time.
Willow: That’s why she wanted to use our powers.
Giles: Precisely.

All around the gang, everything begins to swirl and fade. Xander is already gone. None of the four pay any attention to this.

Buffy: If that’s true…can our powers stop this? Repair the damage that’s been done.
Giles: I believe so. To do so, we need to find the mirror. I believe that that is the key to restoring time.
Willow: How to we find it?
Dawn: Is it somewhere else in one of these times?
Giles: (shakes his head) I’m afraid it’s not that simple. Once Proserpexa has the mirror, she will ensure that it does not exist in any other time.

Everything has now faded to white, except for the four.

Buffy: So the only way to find the mirror is to find-
Proserpexa: Me.

Buffy, Willow, Dawn and Giles whirl around. They are standing in a large stone room. Proserpexa is seated on a magnificent throne. She smiles at them.

Proserpexa: You didn’t think I’d leave you drifting through time forever, did you?

Buffy, Willow, Giles and Dawn all stand before Proserpexa in a huge
room. It has a very medieval and simple, yet grand look to it. Buffy
at the mirror, which sits next to Proserpexa’s throne.

Proserpexa: Speechless? That’s understandable. Looks like you’ve had
quite a
day, or ... more accurately ... several years.

Willow: You were watching us…

Proserpexa: Of course. You four are the only people left in the
that is stopping me from achieving my ultimate goal. Did you really
I’d leave you alone to form a plan unmonitored? I’ve seen the lives
lived…all of you. I’ve been through every moment, heard every
tasted every meal.

Dawn: Eew…does that mean she’s seen us naked?

Cut to Proserpexa, who gets up from her throne and starts to walk
the four. She looks at Buffy.

Proserpexa: Tell me, what was it like to plunge that sword into your
heart? To watch him die right in front of you? It seemed …

Buffy: You want to find out? Hand me a sword.

Proserpexa: Hmm…from what I’ve seen, not one of your better
comebacks…but I
suppose it will do.

Willow: Where, er, when are we?

Proserpexa: The only time left in the universe - My time. I’m sure
noticed the space around you swirling as you kept jumping into
periods of your lives. What you saw was the time around you being
dissembled, being replaced with -

Proserpexa spreads her hands open, pointing out the giant temple

Proserpexa: -This.

Buffy: Lemme guess, everyone loves you in this time. You are the one
ultimate ruler and no one can oppose you. Pretty unoriginal if you
ask me. I
mean, couldn’t you have at least invented some nice curtains in this
time? A
splash of color would do this room a world of good. And….oh God…I
don’t see
a TV. Please don’t tell me you forgot to add TV! Some utopia…

Proserpexa: Making jokes, I like that. It seems like something you do
you’re frightened, when you know you can’t win.

Proserpexa snaps her fingers and six robed, hooded men appear from
doors all around the room.

Proserpexa: Soon, you will all wish you could have died when you did.
not a
threat, just a prediction.

The men grab Buffy, Willow, Dawn and Giles and lead them out of the
They try to struggle, but the men are too strong.

Proserpexa: Don’t hurt them too badly. I’ll be needing them later.

Cut to Buffy, Willow, Dawn and Giles, who are being led down a
flight of broken stairs into a dark dungeon. When they get down, they
many people are changed to the walls, while others are lying on the
presumably dead.

Dawn: Oww…he’s poking me! Really hard!

Willow: Yeah, we can all feel it Dawn. Remember, enjoined and…ow!

Dawn: Told ya.

The four are thrown into a cell that has no door; it’s just a

Dawn: Hey…no door. Isn’t this kind of easy?

Giles: Please, let’s not give the robed men any ideas.

The six men stand in front of the doorway and start to chant softly
themselves. Suddenly, a green magical barrier is formed around the
and exposed wall, locking the four Scoobies inside. Once the barrier
is in
place, the robed men leave.

Willow: Okay…that was kinda clever.

Giles: Please, let’s not praise the robed men.

Buffy looks curiously at the barrier.

Buffy: Is this something we should be worried about?

Willow: Which part; the fact that we’re stuck in a magical cell in a
where the Big Bad is the ultimate ruler, or the fact that our time
might be
gone forever?

Buffy: Uh…the first one.

Giles: I don’t think all hope is lost yet. The three of you are still
partially enjoined with one of Proserpexa’s watches. That, coupled
Dawn’s dimensional powers, should leave us with some sort of
advantage over

Dawn: Yeah, see? We’re still in the game. We might be
kinda…imprisoned right
now, but I’ve been imprisoned a lot. Trust me, it’s not as bad as it

Giles: Yes, very true. What worries me is, well-from what you’ve told
aren’t you all rather…dead in the real time?

Buffy: We’re almost dead. Like that kinda fuzzy in-between dead. Not

Willow: Yeah, but I guess we have to deal with that eventually. If we
do get
back to our real time, we’ll be greeted with a nice warm-

Dawn: Spear to our hearts. Yeah, kinda see the problem with that.

Buffy: It’s not like we haven’t faced death before. Some of us have
had nice long, relaxing chats with death and are still here to tell

Dawn: Yeah. (smiles) Heaven was cool. You know, being enjoined with
really helps me understand why you were such a bitch for so long.

Buffy: Finally someone gets it!

Willow: You’re both right. Heaven? Kicked ass! And plus, we can find
a way
to stop the whole death thing when we come across that problem. And
if we
can’t fix it…

Dawn: Yeah, good fun, fight to the death, die nobly and all that.
Buffy, I can feel a speech coming so just do us all a favor and keep

Buffy: Fine, but my speech had a really good cookie dough analogy!
you’ll never know the joys of baking as it relates to life…

Dawn: Um...enjoined? I’ve heard it in your mind. Over and over and
again. Personally, I’d just go with your gut instinct and save it for
next time you see Angel.

Dawn then looks at Willow. She frowns.

Dawn: Don’t think that.

Willow: I’m sorry. I know. But…what if this is it? It’s a little
that’s all. I can feel it in both of you. You feel the same way, even
if you
don’t want to admit it.

Buffy: If this is it, (Buffy smiles as Giles) at least we’ll have you
lead the way in the real world. If we don’t make it, you’ll-you’ll
them, right?

Giles, who has stayed silent for this conversation, slowly looks at
and clears his throat.

Giles: Yes, yes of course. I’ll be there.

Willow: Like you always are. Well, except for the couple of times you

Buffy: Yeah! Stupid seductive England. I think you just like using
the word
‘flat’ to describe your house there.

Giles: (smiles) Yes, that must be it.

Dawn: But guys, what about Sunnydale? The earthquake…it kinda left
the whole

Willow: …a little destroyed. Yeah, I know. God, to think about all
people that -

Giles: Please, we do not have time for this. Willow, you were right
we can’t worry about that now. If we don’t do something soon, the
world will be gone forever, regardless of who’s dead or what’s
destroyed. We
need to keep our priorities straight.

Willow: You’re right. We just need to find-

Before Willow can finish, a huge explosion occurs in the back of the
dungeon. The four Scoobies look intently to see what’s going on.
people run in, carrying weapons, and start freeing the people changed
to the

Willow: - A way out?

The camera pans to a close up of Buffy, as her eyes widen when a
approaches their cell.

Buffy: Spike?!

Spike raises his hand and concentrates on the barrier surrounding the

Spike: O’nloc!

The barrier starts to flicker, then dissolves totally.

Spike: Come on, hurry! Are any of you hurt?

Buffy: (still in a little bit of shock) Spike! Uh…we’re all fine.

Spike: You know my name. Didn’t realize we had become this popular so
inside the capitol. Come on, before the Hell Bitch decides to get her
ass off her throne and pay us a visit.

Just then, dozens of robed men come running down the stairs holding

Spike: Knew the sod would be too bloody lazy to come herself. (looks
Buffy) Can you handle yourself?

Buffy: Uh…yeah..I’m not bad.

The robed men all rush the people in the dungeon, as Spike leads the
towards the newly created exit. One of the robed men swings his spear
Buffy. She catches it between her hands, and then pulls it away from
man. She swings the spear around, finally stabbing the men in the
He falls to the ground.

Spike: Not bad. Surprised I haven’t seen you ‘round here until now.

A robed man charges at Spike. He leaps high into the air and lands
behind the man. He grabs the robed man and snaps his neck in one

Spike: ‘Spose they’ll be time for introductions later.

Spike looks around. Some of the people he came in with are helping
free the
captives, others are fighting, and others lay dead on the ground.

Spike: Hey, we’ve worn out our welcome here! Time to go!

His gang all look up in agreement. They try to push their way through
hooded guards, but are having trouble breaking through.

Spike: Damn. Bloody guards never know when to make their exit.

Willow: We can help with that.

Willow grabs Buffy and Dawn’s hands, and all of the sudden all the
robed men
fly back to the other side of the dungeon wall. They all hit the
stone wall
hard and then fall to the ground.

Spike: Hmm…looks like I rescued me some witches.

Buffy: Well, I’m not exactly a…oh, it doesn’t matter.

Everyone makes their way to the newly created exit. Some people are
captives over their shoulders, others are helping the less injured
walk. Everyone, captive or rescuer, is wearing tattered, old clothes
only a few having sandals for shoes.

Buffy looks curiously at the opening of the dungeon, as there is no
coming from it. Spike looks at her and senses her apprehension.

Spike: We’ve tunnelled our way down here. All we have to do is follow
path, and -

Buffy: -Home free.

Dawn: Hey, it’s better than the magic cell and funky smell of the

Giles: So I wasn’t the only one who smelled that…

They all get to the exit, but one robed guard, from her body shape
a woman, is expertly swinging a spear in front of them, blocking
their path.
The hood prevents anyone from seeing her face, but from Spike’s
smile, he obviously knows her.

Spike: Lucky me. I get to tangle with you again, so soon after last
Must be my week.

Woman: We’ll see how lucky you are after I feed your lower half to
the dogs.
I think I’ll keep your upper part…just for fun.

The woman jumps for Spike, kicking him in the stomach and then
swinging the
spear at his neck. Spike ducks down, and pushes the woman to the
ground. He
sits on top of her, taking a moment to enjoy this position.

Spike: Getting sloppy, luv. Didn’t think this would end so soon.

Spike moves to snap the woman’s neck. First he removes her hood,
her identity.

Willow: Faith! It’s Faith! It’s Faith and she’s all…hoody and evil!

Dawn: Buffy, we can’t let him do it!

Giles: Yes, who knows what the ramifications of her death here will
do to
the real time.

Buffy nods and runs. Spike places his hands on Faith’s head, ready to
execute that final motion, but Buffy pushes Spike off Faith just in

Spike: What the Hell?

Buffy: We don’t have time for killing now! We have to get of here!

Spike: Fine, take all the fun out of rescuing.

Willow raises her hand and Faith is frozen in her position, unable to
She looks sadly at Faith.

Willow: We’ll come back for you.

Faith just smiles at Spike as she watches them all exit.

Faith: Next time, I’m on top.

Cut to Buffy, Dawn, Giles, Willow, Spike and the others, climbing up
tunnel. Buffy is right behind Spike leading the way, while Dawn,
Giles and
Willow are at the bottom of the line, talking to themselves.

Giles (softly): It makes sense. None of them would remember anything
the real time. None of it exits anymore. They would all only know the
existence that Proserpexa created for them.

Willow: But why would Proserpexa purposely make Spike against her?

Dawn: I was about to say that!

Giles: Perhaps it wasn’t on purpose.

Willow: Maybe things aren’t so perfect, afterall…

The gang finally makes it to the top of the tunnel. It is in the
middle of
the night, but huge torches litter the ground like street lamps,
which makes
it easier to see. When Buffy and the others reach the surface, they
around and see the building they were just in. It’s a huge circular
temple, ten times the size of the one that rose on Kingman’s Bluff.
are carvings of snakes and Proserpexa’s likeness all over the
outside. There
are small huts surrounding the temple on the ground as far as the eye

Dawn: I get it. So Proserpexa gets this massive temple, and her loyal
followers get huts the size of her bathroom.

Spike: Hell bitch will be releasing the horsemen as soon as they
saddle up.
We need to take the forest route back to camp. As for the people we
saved, if anyone gets too heavy…leave them. They’ll be a good
for the horsemen.

The group starts to make their way into a nearby forest. Buffy stays
in the
front with Spike, while Giles, Willow and Dawn head up the rear.

Dawn: Did you notice even when Spike’s trying to be all noble, he
still has
that little bit of jerk left in him?

Suddenly, a woman directly in front of Dawn turns around and glares
at her.
It’s Anya.

Anya: Hey, that ‘jerk’ just saved your life back there! If it were
me, I
would have sold your rotting hides to the human dealers, but Spike
felt we
had to do something after the last raid.

Dawn: Anya! I’m glad to see you’re….well, you’re you.

Anya: Do I know you girl? I think I’d remember someone so scrawny and

Dawn: Hey, I eat just fine! And if I am mal fed, it’s because you
stealing the pancakes in the morning!

Willow: Uh, you’ll have to excuse my friend. We’re from a village
far, far
away. We were taking captive by Proserpexa and I’m afraid she might
gone crazy from the ordeal.

Dawn: I’m not-

Willow steps on Dawn’s foot and gives her a look to keep quiet.

Dawn: Fine. (flaps her arms up and down) Ooh, I’m crazy!

Anya snorts and turns her head away, turning her attention back to

Anya: Hrmph. Foreigners.

Cut to Buffy and Spike, at the top of the line.

Spike: You shouldn’t have stopped me back there. She’ll kill ten good
before I have the chance to get to her again.

Buffy: I’m sorry, she just reminded me of someone I used to know. It
kind of
freaked me out.

Spike: You were pretty good with the spear back there. Are you from
rebel faction in the east? Wankers were supposed to send
months ago.

Buffy: Uh, yeah. That’s how I knew who you were. You know how fast
travels in the rebel factions. Those north faction rebels are such
But, uh…It’s good to see how hard you fight against Proserpexa, you
know, so
close to where she actually lives. Us easterners have it easy.

Spike: Damn straight. Someone has to hold down the front line, even
if our
numbers are almost done to nothing. Hell Bitch just raided a major
camp earlier this week.

Buffy: Well, looks like you got your men back.

Spike: There were dozens of them. How many did we manage to save;
twelve maybe? We might have lost more men in the rescue mission than
saved. I swear, that bitch is going to pay. I dream about the night I
get to
sink my fangs into that bitch’s neck.

Buffy: You’re a vampire…

Spike: And you’re a human. But we all hate Proserpexa, so that’s all
matters to me.

Buffy: Yeah, I can’t wait until good ol’ Prossieknickers gets what’s
to her.

Spike: Prossieknickers…that’s a good one…Hey, you know, you never
told me
your name.

Buffy: It’s Buffy.

Spike: Buffy? Weird name…

Cut to the back of the group, where Giles, Dawn, and Willow are
walking in
the thick of the forest. They are forced to duck under branches, hop
small streams, and fight through vines as they walk and talk.

Dawn: (pushing a branch away from her path) Do you really think it’s
best idea to be walking *away* from the mirror? It’s our only chance
getting out of here. And does this entire world have a weird smell or
is it
just me?

Giles: I think our best bet is to stick with the rebels. Once we
regroup, we
can formulate some sort of plan. It looks like Spike’s knowledge of
world will become very valuable to us when we make our way back to
Proserpexa’s temple.

Willow: Why do you think these rebels even exist? Is it because of us?

Giles: I believe so. Proserpexa’s spell is not yet completed, so
there must be loopholes in her utopia. She needs you three to
complete her
spell and make it permanent. But if she just wanted you dead, she
would have
done so already. There must be more to it than that.

Willow: I bet she didn’t count on the enjoinment spell to mess up her
Hey-Spike is pretty hot in this time!

Giles: Excuse me?

Willow: Oh, uh sorry, I just picked up a random Buffy thought….which
probably shouldn’t have said aloud anyway. Okay, let’s just rewind
forget I said that.

Giles: Already done.

Suddenly, there’s a lot of rustling behind the group in the forest.

Dawn: What’s going on?

Anya (turning around) Shh! Oh no…horsemen. Horsemen!

The entire group starts to run, but it’s too late. Out of the thick
bursts heavily armored soldiers on horseback, surrounding the group.
is shocked when she sees who’s leading the horsemen.

Willow: Kennedy!

Kennedy: You scum will pay for defying our lord! (motions to the
horsemen) Get them!

Cut to Spike, who glances back at Buffy.

Spike: Ready for a rumble?

Buffy: Hey, rumble’s my middle name. Well, actually it’s Anne, but -

Spike leaps up and lands on the back of one of the horses. He grabs
broad sword out of the rider’s hand and plunges it into his chest
behind. Spike then pushes the rider off and starts to ride toward
horsemen. He engages them in sword play, knocking another horsemen
off after
a strong blow to the stomach. He grabs the falling horsemen’s sword
looks at Buffy.

Spike: Catch!

He tosses the sword to Buffy and she catches it with one hand.

Buffy: Never could turn down a good weapon.

Cut to Kennedy, who takes out a crossbow and shoots one of the rebels
in the
back as they all scatter for cover in the trees.

Kennedy: Damn, that was only a wound.

Cut to Willow, Dawn, and Giles, who are standing in the middle of the

Willow: We have to stop them.

Dawn nods confidently.

Willow: Giles, please take cover. Try to help the rebels.

Giles: Alright, but be careful.

Giles runs back while Willow and Dawn grasp hands.

Kennedy notices the two, energy surrounding them, and smiles.

Kennedy: Extra points for witches.

She fires a crossbow at Willow’s heart, but the energy around them
her, causing the arrow to bounce harmlessly off her chest. Willow
raises her
hand and a bolt of lightning bursts out, knocking one of the riders
their horse. Dawn looks back and sees Kennedy charging right for
Anya, ready
to impale her with her sword.

Dawn: No!

She breaks away from Willow’s grasp and runs towards Anya. Dawn
raises her
hand and a beam of energy hits a branch, causing it to fall on
head. She falls off the horse and onto the ground. Anya turns around,
looking surprised.

Dawn: Of course you’d be oblivious to a huge horse charging right

Dawn reaches out and grabs Anya’s wrist, pulling her away.

Dawn: Let’s go, we need to get you to -

Suddenly, Anya falls to her knees and screams.

Anya: Oh..oh God…!

Dawn drops to her knees to be eye level to Dawn. She concentrates and
protective barrier forms over them.

Dawn: Anya, what’s wrong?

Anya: Dawn…? Dawn, it’s you! I-I remember, now! Oh God! These tacky
The lack of growing commerce! This place is hell!

Dawn: Wait, you remember? Like, as in, you *remember* remember?

Anya: No, I am actually using the other, less common definition of
Yes, I remember everything! Proserpexa and the earthquake, Xander and
Wow, I sure have had sex with Spike a lot in this time…

Dawn: Oh, Anya!

Dawn hugs Anya.

Dawn: I…I don’t how I did it. Let’s just get to Giles. He can figure

Anya: Giles is in a *safe* place, right? Away from fighting? That
would be

The barrier breaks around them as Dawn and Anya run for shelter away
the flying arrows and combat.

Cut to Kennedy, who gets up and comes face to face with Willow.

Kennedy: you’re on the wrong side, witch. I guess it doesn’t matter,
I always did think magic was a bunch of bull.

Willow: Kennedy…

Willow reached out to touch Kennedy but Kennedy steps back. She draws
knife she kept concealed at her side.

Kennedy: Don’t even try to do a spell on me, witch.

Cut to Giles, Willow and Anya, who are standing behind a large tree
with a
group of several other rebels.

Giles: Fascinating.

Dawn: But why did it happen? One minute I was saving her from
Kennedy, the
next she’s falling to the ground and screaming in pain.

Anya: I wasn’t screaming. Maybe moaning.

Giles: It must have to do with the dimensional properties of the key.
with the power of Proserpexa’s watch, you seem to have the power to
people back to their normal state with a touch.

Dawn: So, does Willow and Buffy have this power, too?

Giles: Let’s hope. That would certainly be beneficial if we could
turn these
guards back into their original states.

Cut to Buffy, who is surrounded by guards and fighting them off with
sword. She twirls around, slicing one in the gut, kicking one in the
and elbowing another in the neck. They all start to fall around her.

Buffy: Well, that was easy.

Just then, Spike appear behind her and snaps the neck of a guard
sneaking up
on her.

Buffy: Oh, missed that one. Thanks.

Spike: No problem, luv. Although I have a feeling you would have
without my help.

Buffy: Spike…I, uh…

Spike: They’ll be time for speeches later. Right now we have to worry
getting the hell out of here in one piece.

Buffy: Sorry, I guess I tend to get carried away with the speeches…

Spike smiles and moves closer to Buffy.

Spike: We all have our failings, pet.

Buffy: Hrm, you called me pet.

Spike: Old habit. You remind me of a girl I once knew. But, you’re
more than
that. More than just a girl.

Buffy: (shrugs) I get that a lot.

Spike: I don’t know what it is, but-

Spike moves in closer, and softly kisses Buffy on the lips. As soon
as their
lips touch, his eyes open wide. His head jerks back and he breaths in

Buffy: What’s wrong?

Spike: Buffy…

Cut to Dawn, her touches her lips. She sighs.

Dawn: Such a kissy slut…

Cut to Willow and Kennedy, who are facing off close by.

Kennedy: Proserpexa is forever. She’s our past, our present, and our
Why would you try to fight that? Why must you ruin something so

Willow: Kennedy…you can’t do this. I know it’s not worth trying to
with you…

Kennedy: Got that right.

Kennedy swing and punches Willow hard in the jaw. Willow falls to the
ground, as a rush comes over Kennedy. Her memory comes back to her,
and she
falls to the ground.

Kennedy: Oh my God! Willow! Willow, I’m so sorry!

Willow: You…you remember?

Kennedy looks back at the troops who are still fighting the rebels.

Kennedy: Everyone, retreat! That’s an order! Go, report back to our
(turning to Willow) I’m here for you. I’m not going anywhere.

Cut to Buffy, Willow, Dawn, Giles, Spike, Kennedy, and Anya all
towards each other in the forest.

Buffy: How is everyone? I assume we all figured out what’s going on
with the
whole touchy thing.

Dawn: Yep, way ahead of you.

Spike: Oh, uh…Anya…

Anya: You’re uncomfortable because you’re thinking about all the sex
had lately. Yes, that’s to be expected.

Spike: Uh, yeah. Pretty much.

Spike turns and is surprised to see Giles standing.

Spike: Well if it isn’t the old sod. Good to see you alive and

Giles: Spike, don’t. Please.

Willow: Don’t what?

Giles: It doesn’t matter. Proserpexa’s army seems to have retreated
for the
moment. We need a place to formulate a plan.

Spike: Our camp is just a few miles from here. We can figure
something out

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